DVD madness!!!!!!!



Well, my credit card is getting a workout!! LOL!! I was perusing the DVD page, and guess what I found? The Terminator and Timesaver DVD's!!!! See ... in all the madness when these first came out, I ignored these two because I didn't have a DVD player, and they weren't offered on VHS. Now, I have a DVD player. Guess what I just ordered? LOL!! Hey ... 8 new workouts on DVD!!! How could I pass that up??????????????????

:) :) :) :)

P.S. When will this DVD madness go away???????????? LOL!!
Hi Carol, have fun with your new work outs. Those are 2 dvd's I don't have, I have always thought about getting the timesaver, but I am still thinking on it. Take it easy on the credit card, LOL. Have a good day.

Debbie:D :) :) :) :)
Good for you Carol!!

Now Carol if I were in your shoe I would probally do the same thing, LOL!!! I like the Terminator for the mix&match. I like doing now I can't remember well anyway It has both IMAX 2 & C&W on it where I do C&W step only like 2 times then Imax 2 2 times then repeat when finish. Well have fun:)

Sorry to hear your disappoinment with your DVDS! Tee-Hee! When will the madness go away??? When Cathe QUITS making DVD's! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Carol....Terminator was my first DVD purchase back in Dec. I also have Timesaver...these are 2 great ones and I think you will be very happy....:)....the DVD madness NEVER goes away....Carole
RE: Carol!

Uh-oh ... you mean this condition is PERMANENT???? I'm in big trouble ... LOL!!

RE: Carol!

Yes, the condition is permanent. I switched to dvd 2 months ago, and am constantly scheming how can I afford more Cathe dvds. (Before that, I was constantly scheming how can I afford more Cathe videos.;-) )

Have Fun!!

YIKES!! You did!! It's true!! I'm even watching the JustV and VF forums to see when all the shipping issues Tracie Long is having are resolved, so I can order her new Yorktown DVD's!! LOL!! When I ordered the Terminator and Timesaver DVD's, Nik was with me (my daughter, Nicole), and she saw the DVD pack where you get ALL of Cathe's DVD's. She said, "Hmmm ... $700 ... that's pretty good for all of them, right Mom?" LOL!! Good thing they have limits on credit cards .... LOL!!

That's so funny, I already have the Timesaver but have been thinking about Terminator, but I just preordered Hardcore series so I need to save up again. :) DVD does open up a world of options doesn't it;) I'm still trying to work on my DH realizing that Cathe workouts are necessity...:D
RE: Too funny Carol!!!!!!!

I am cracking up reading your posts!! I know exactly how you feel!! I started with all vhs and then sold them all and bought the large pack your are talking about..lol. It was actually 659.99 prior to the recent dvd's. I sold all of my Cathe vhs and it literally funded the 40 pack back in January. You can't help but get spoiled by her dvd's. They are so well chaptered and the picture quality can't be beat. I don't think I could ever go back to vhs EVER!! Have fun with your spending!! It is totally worth every penny!!!

Aila(compolsive shopper):)

edited for spelling:)

Enjoy your DVDs!!! I love The Terminator. I also enjoy the leg workout on Timesaver. You picked some good ones... :7

Have a great day!!

RE: Too funny Carol!!!!!!!

I never thought about simply selling the VHS tapes to pay for the DVD's ....oh my goodness ... you WOULD have to tell me that, Aila!! LOL!!

My Terminator and Timesaver DVD's will be here TOMORROW!!!!!! Don't ya just love UPS????????? LOL!!

:) :) :)

I expected nothing less from you than to get the "madness". LOL!!! You're the hardest working gal in here!!
T. :)
RE: Carol......

Aw Trev ... thanks!! You made my day with your post!!

So ... which Terminator workout should I do Thursday at 5:00 AM, because you know I have to start with the most difficult one!! LOL!!

:) :) :) :) :)
RE: Carol......

How about all 3? I know.....take yourself through The Gauntlet!!
T. :)
RE: Carol......

Actually, the Gauntlet was the first one I was thinking about doing!! Great minds think alike!!

:) :)
The Timesaver and Terminator DVD's are here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I briefly previewed them, and they seem fine! I'm doing the Gauntlet in the morning!!

I also now have a weight rack for my dumbells. We had to move some furniture around in the room where I workout - the thing is way too big!! LOL!! But, it holds all my dumbells with room to spare, and my barbell, plate weights, medicine balls, resistance tubings, and ankle weights all fit underneath it! Now my closet is once again free to hold the things that have been laying in corners in order to make room for the dumbells and other accessories! Sigh ... anyone else ever feel like they need a small house just to hold all their workout equipment?? LOL!!

The Timesaver and Terminator DVD's are here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I briefly previewed them, and they seem fine! I'm doing the Gauntlet in the morning!!

I also now have a weight rack for my dumbells. We had to move some furniture around in the room where I workout - the thing is way too big!! LOL!! But, it holds all my dumbells with room to spare, and my barbell, plate weights, medicine balls, resistance tubings, and ankle weights all fit underneath it! Now my closet is once again free to hold the things that have been laying in corners in order to make room for the dumbells and other accessories! Sigh ... anyone else ever feel like they need a small house just to hold all their workout equipment?? LOL!!


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