DVD/Fit TV & High Impact Question


I've been a member for a few weeks & need to ask for more help. First let me say that many people on this board, in addition to Cathe herself, are huge inspirations to me. Reading the success stories, as well as seeing some of the same problems & frustrations, has given me a new drive to succeed at my own personal fitness goals, so thanks again to all.

First question. The only Cathe w/out I own is Low Max so the DVDs & order I'm planning to purchase is: (1) IMAX 2 + Cardio & Weights, (2) KPC + Legs & Glutes, (3) SJP + Step Blast, & (4) Boot Camp + Muscle Endurance. Does that sound like a good plan? Also, can I obtain some of the same w/outs on Fit TV?

Next: I'm 38, low advanced, & like interval, kickbox, circuit, & weight training. I enjoy higher impact moves & heavy weights but I'm worried about stress on my joints. I haven't had many problems, other than occasional cracking or popping sounds I associate with getting older. Should I keep it lower & lighter since I'm getting older or can I go for it?

Thanks again & good luck to all!
First of all, welcome. In answer to your questions. First: Your workouts sound like a great plan. All of the ones you mentioned are on Fit TV but they obviously won't be the full Cathe version so I think it is definitely a good idea to get the DVDs so you can get the full version plus all the premixes which are great. Second: I'm not an expert, but I'm 41 and I go for it with the weights and high impact moves. I do all the IMAXes and am almost up to Cathe with the amount of weights. Good luck to you!

Thank you Marcy. I'm glad I'm headed in the right direction with my DVD selections. The recommendation for IMAX 2 actually came from a previous question I posted on this board when I was concerned about complex choreography. I just wish I could get them all at once now but I guess I'll have to settle for one at a time. I also thank you for the input on my age & the question about heavy weights & high impact moves. It's a relief to know that's not a huge concern at this point in my life. Thanks again!
That is a good mix you have planned, but I would like to suggest you get Boot Camp & Muscle Endurance 2nd, after your Imax 2 & C&W. Reason being: ME is such a superior weight workout, with fantastic pre-mixes, and you won't have any pure endurance weight w/o's until you get it. Plus, Low Max is, as you know, such a great leg and rear fryer but you lack Upper Body in your chosen order. (Unless, of course, you have some strength DVDs from another instructor already that weren't mentioned.) C&W is lighter weights.

Anyhow, I will turn 46 next week, and have been with Cathe just over a year. In that time I have bought just about everything she has put out, and couldn't be happier. I rarely have to modify anything. I do protect my joints by always landing softly and absorbing the impact throughout my muscles, and never stiff-legged. I never let momentum get the best of me,and I remain aware of my body position and form. If you follow her cues you can do just fine, since you haven't mentioned any problems other than the pops. I have had pops and crackles for years...as long as they aren't painful, you probably don't have to worry.

HTH, Julie
Thanks Julie! I think I'll take your advice. I have a few decent weight training tapes, but not enough to keep me at the level I desire. Here are the few I have that may qualify. The Firm Tough Tape (pretty tough but no abs), Navy Seal Stamina (pretty intense but not much lower body), The Firm Time Crunch, The Firm Upper Body (great but no lower body & I prefer total body), Chizel It (not bad with heavier weights), & I also got the new Jillian Michael's DVDs but they really aren't intense enough individually. So I could definitely use a superior circuit & pure endurance weight training workout. By the way, I've been using 10 pound weights max. & I just got some 15 pounders. I'm taking it slow (that's a 50% increase) but I can already tell it's going to make a huge difference. If you guys don't mind me asking, what is your maximum weight & how do you use it? I use heavier weights for my upper body but keep my lower body weights lighter, with more reps, because I tend to bulk up in the butt & thighs. Is this the best way to approach it? I guess I may learn more about this when I get my new Boot Camp/Muscle Endurance DVD too?

Also, thanks for your input about age, impact, & heavy weights. I know that you, along with Marcy & everyone else on this board, will continue to inspire me to achieve my fitness goals. Thanks again!
Sorry it took me a couple days to get back to ya!
I am familiar with those FIRMs you have, as I have them also.

You should do well with your 10- 15#s for awhile, especially with the pacing of Cathe's workouts. You may need to get some 20#s for back work, but you'll just have to play with that.

I, too, go heavier with my upper body than the lower, but when I am doing a rotation of Cathe's, I make sure to go heavier once a week. I think you will like how she does the leg press; she goes quicker and lighter with more reps than the Firms. I also think you will like Legs and Glutes when it comes time for that one, because it is a workout that hits those areas really differently, and you won't need much weight.

Max weight: this is hard to answer for me because I really don't know how much I can lift or squat! I know I can complete one set of 8 bicep curls with 20# bells, then I have to drop down to 15#s. There are women here that go much heavier. I have never tried to squat or lunge over 50#, because it hurts my neck and if my arms tire, I am worried about dropping the barbell. It also depends on which workout I am doing, but in most I use whatever Cathe uses. Sometimes I need to lighten up a bit, it just depends. In Boot Camp and Muscle Endurance, I use Cathe's weights, but I had to work up to that because when I first started with Cathe, I couldn't curl over 12# for biceps, and had never used a barbell.

I think you are going to really impress yourself...have fun with your new purchases!!


Edited to add: If you are looking to really build strength and/or add muscle to your Upper Body, my favorite (so far) is Pyramid UB. (I love the whole Intensity Series). For really good advice, ask over in Open Discussion and post your fitness goals. There are folks who have been around a lot longer than me who are great at that stuff!
Thanks again for all the advice & input, Julie. I won't be able to make my first purchase for another couple of weeks but I'm looking forward to it so much, I can hardly wait. I think I'll be able to buy at least two now so I'm really excited about that too. Two at a time is probably plenty to start out & learn all the moves, etc., anyway. I've been doing a few bicep curls, some back work, & a couple french presses with my 15#'s so hopefully I'll be ready for the challenge. I'm also taking your advice to increase my lower body weight once a week (I did it yesterday morning & I'm really feeling it today). It's good to know that these are workouts I'll be able to grow with & I'm sure they'll serve me well for many years to come. It's also good to know this forum is here whenever any of us needs advice, or just simply for online friendship. Thanks again to everyone & I'll be sure to let you all know how it goes when I get my DVD's. Good luck & fitness to all!

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