DVD Changer vs. Plain Jane DVD Player?


I'm going to break down and buy a DVD player but I can't decide whether I want a DVD changer or a plain DVD player. I'm very cheap (and poor) and I do not spend money on electronics. For example, my "stereo" (if you can call it that) is a little boombox I bought in the early 90's with a CD player and a tape player. I've never felt the need to upgrade to a multiple CD player. The only advantage to the DVD changer that I can think of is that I could put in multiple fitness DVDs and program my own workout but I don't do that now (only have VHS) so I don't really feel like I need that. Are there other non-fitness related uses of the DVD changer? Do those of you with DVD changers often program your own workout? I'm pretty used to following the tape as it is.

Is it worth the extra money or not? What do you guys think?
Jennifer Ann,
I think you should go with your instincts and get the cheapest DVD player. I got a 5 disc chenger and I don't use the program function at all. The way Cathe is chaptering her DVD's, she does it all for you. Also, it takes less time just to skip from one to the other and change discs if necessary, than use the program function IMO.

Then there's the Ab Hits DVD-- save your money to buy that one. It is so well chaptered and tops off any other workout masterfully.

The only thing I make use of is, I store 5 DVD's in it at all times. But I still have to open it up to see what disc is where. If you can only play one disc at a time, you are more likely to know where the rest are (all in their cases!)

So in my opinion every dollar you save there will be worth more in your hand than in the machine.

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