DVD advice for newcomer


New Member
Hello all,

Sorry this is soo long!
I am new to posting but have been reading this forum for over a month now. I have read a lot of excellent fitness advice and am hoping for some recommendations. I am 5 ft 3, 133lbs. and have short legs (classic pear). I am looking to burn fat and get upper body definition. I would love a slimmer/defined lower body but there is a lot of fat to deal with right now. I am looking for some recommendations for some DVDs that can help me reach my goals. I am interested in the following DVDs but am not sure if they are the best choices. KPC/LG, Kick Max, RS+IM+MIC. I’m sure all of the workouts are great but I am broke and need the most bang for my buck. Any recommendations?

Here is a bit of background:
I began doing the FIRM this past summer and lost about 10 pounds and felt in pretty good shape. I am a teacher however, and put back on about five-six pounds since the school year began. I don’t remember how I heard about Cathe but I purchased SJP/SB in October and loved it. I am new to step but picked up most of it (I still get messed up on the 3rd SB combination). Since then I have purchased several DVDs and taped some shows from FitTV. IMAX 2 seems to be the perfect level of cardio intensity for me right now.

This is what I have so far:
DVDs: Imax2/C&W, Lowmax, and Gym Style Chest /Tri ( I can only do the timesavers at this point)
Taped: SH bicepts/tricepts, chest/back, Pyramid UB, and KPC

Thank you!
welcome to the boards agnes,

I have kick max and the power hour dvd. like to mix and match parts of these workouts too. i just ordered kpc/legs and glutes but i have done the workotus before and they are the absolute best. and with imax2/c&w and lowmax you have some of the best cardio. i would get kickmax,power hour, and kpc. but get them one at time when you can. also alot of folks here like gym style legs so you might want to pick that one up if you can't afford kpc/legs and glutes at this time. i love legs and glutes though, its a really great workout without having to drag out that much equipment.

as for upper body just do premixes of ss/pp for upper body and try to tape pyrmaid upper body to see if this workout could work for you.

i am a classic pear myself but i mix up my workouts with kickboxing,step,running,weights, pilates, and get yoga in 5-7 days a week.i am seeing some results but my diet is holding me back. make sure you have a clean diet as well. changing your lifestyle to take in more veggies,lean protien and eating foods in natural state will help with body fat loss and help muscle pop out more.


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