duration of ctx upper body


Does anyone know how long ctx upper body is? I haven't been able to find that info. on the dvd page...

by the way, I finally got the series, and yeah, now I know what you all mean by "meaner legs".... woooo baby!

Thanks for the great suggestion!

i'm totally guessing cuz i'm at work (and it's not on the dvd) but about 50 minutes.. cuz i believe on each workout the upper body part is about 10 minutes and there are 5 upper body parts!

not sure if you put the dvd in and FF it, if it will show the minutes or break them down into chapters' minutes?

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
Here you have the DVD chaptering - Cathe Friedrich : Cross Train Xpress (CTX)




Power Circuit
2.2 - warm up (4:30)
2.3 - lo-impact (3:15)
2.4 - hi-impact (4:00)
2.5 - step circuits (10:15)
2.6 - kickbox circuits (11:00)
2.7 - back (13:00)
2.8 - planks (5:30)
2.9 - abs (5:15)
2.10 - stretch (3:15)

3.2 - warm up (6:00)
3.3 - kickbox (5:15)
3.4 - hi-lo (8:15)
3.5 - step (10:15)
3.6 - triceps (11:45)
3.7 - stretch (3:15)

All Step
4.2 - warm up (5:45)
4.3 - step aerobics (22:00)
4.4 - shoulders (10:00)
4.5 - abs (9:30)
4.6 - stretch (5:30)

Step & Intervals
5.2 - warm up (8:30)
5.3 - step aerobics (10:15)
5.4 - intervals (10:45)
5.5 - chest (10:00)
5.6 - stretch (5:30)


Leaner Legs
2.2 - warm up (2:45)
2.3 - leg work (32:45)
2.4 - abs (8:45)
2.5 - stretch (4:30)

3.2 - warm up (9:00)
3.3 - kickbox (15:15)
3.4 - arm drills (7:15)
3.5 - biceps (10:45)
3.6 - abs/planks (12:00)
3.7 - stretch (5:45)

All Abs (35:30 total)
A compilation of all 4 abs segments.
4.1 - from All Step (9:30)
4.2 - from Leaner Legs (8:45)
4.3 - from Kickbox (12:00)
4.4 - from Power Circuit (5:15)

Upper Body Split (55:45 total)
5.1 - back (13:00)
5.2 - chest (10:00)
5.3 - shoulders (10:00)
5.4 - triceps (11:45)
5.5 - biceps (10:45)


Menus on both discs show 4 titles each on the main menu. Below each are the options: "play entire program" or "chapters." Pressing "menu" while any workout is running will send you to the chapter selections for that title.

In the Cathe's catalog I see the vhs version add the warm up of all steps 5 1/2 min and the stretch form 10,10,10 3 1/2 min.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Thank you! I found all the other chaptering info for ctx, but never saw the one for upper body split! But, duh, there it is. Somehow I missed it....thanks again.


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