Dumbbell mods for MIS


Active Member
I'm starting MIS next week and I don't have a barbell, so I'm going to have to modify to use dumbbells. Any general suggestions? It's my first Cathe strength tape.

I've been doing Kathy Smith's Secrets for a Great Body for the past 6 weeks, but before that the only strength training I've done has been on machines.

I'm assuming that the squat sequences with the barbell behind the head can be done by holding dumbbells with your down at your side.

For most of the rest, would I just mimic the same grip that I would have on the barbell and pretend that the dumbbells are joined together?

What about the Plie Squats (I think that's the one) with the bar under your chin and the elbows out to balance. Is there a better setup for the dumbbell?

Finally, is the main advantage of a barbell that, once you have it, you can vary the weights up without getting more dumbbells? Or is there an intrinsic value to working out with a barbell? (Where, oh, where, would I store one?)

Thanks for any suggestions!
Hi Sue, for the plies, you can grip the dumbbell by the top and hold it in between the legs as you squat. Cathe does this move in S/H instead of using the barbell. If that doesn't feel comfortable or you need more weight, hold both dumbbells and you can hold them by your side or hold both of them in front of you. For regular squats, you can hold them by your side or you can hold them up by your waist. Some people hold them up around the shoulders, not letting them rest on your shoulders but hovering there.

For squats, plié squats and static lunges, I prefer the "up by the shoulders, but not resting on them" stance. For moving lunges (rear or front), I prefer arms at my side. If I use that stance for static work, though, I sometimes feel like my shoulders are being pulled down and forward.
Thanks for the suggestions. It makes things a lot easier! (er, figuring out the modifications, not the workout!)
I rest my dumbells on the soft tissue of the shoulders, with a towel around my shoulders for cushioning. It seems to work just fine.

Is there some reason why we should not have them resting on our shoulders? After all, you don't want to be holding them there in the air suspended, because then you are doing an arm workout too!

Even if you used a barbell, you would have the weight resting across the soft tissue across the shoulders. So I guess I am confused by the wording of some of the comments on this thread. Anyone care to clarify?



I thought the same thing you did!! What is this "resting on the shoulders" business?? I put them right up there and only grasp the front of each dumbell so they don't fall off. I use dumbells whenever possible as opposed to a barbell because, especially for leg work, it seems I have much better balance that way. And I CANNOT hold that 40lb. dumbell the way Cathe does in S&H plies either. SO uncomfortable!! I do the same..on the shoulders. I find that this way, I can also use my 25 lb. dumbells. The only exercise I find really akward with dumbells is the rows where you are tilting at the hip and rowing in towards your navel with an UNDERHAND grip. Feels really unnatural. I have a barbell though. And tons of weight. Most the time I am just too lazy to load it, unload it, blah...blah..you know!!

Dumbells would be fine for all moves in MIS though.

My "bonier" sister says dumbells hurt her shoulders. Maybe this is what you all mean with the "resting" stuff?? I guess I have enough padding there!!LOL!!
I've now had a chance to do MIS 3 times and it's great! Thanks for all the modification advice.

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