dumbbell/barbell ?


I was wondering if I could substitute dumbbells in place of the barbell in Cathe's workouts. I do have a barbell, but my big problem is it takes me way longer to change the weight than it does them so I end up having to pause my workout. Can I substitute dumbbells and still get maximum results or should I just stick with the barbell when needed. Thanks!
Snitker! Hi! Small world, isn't it? Not Cathe, but using dumbbells is fine. I wanted to mention, your user information on the "other" forum gives your real name and date of birth - if you don't mind my suggestion, you may want to make that private, as you have an unusual name and would be easy to track down. Date of birth can also be used in ways leading to identity theft.
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I do have a barbell, but my big problem is it takes me way longer to change the weight than it does them so I end up having to pause my workout.

I found a way to make it faster. I got 2 extra sets of clips. So I start with my low weight on the barbell, do the 12 reps, slip on the next plate and clip to each end and I 'm ready to go for the next set. Do the same for the high weight set. Going down is easy because all you do is remove your last clip and weight and you are ready to go. No more fighting with the clip to remove it, then adding or removing weight and then fighting to put the clip back on.


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