Dumb DVD Question


I received the Hardcore DVDs and they are my first DVDs because all my other Cathes were VHS. So I was playing around with them and noticed things called "premixes." Can anyone tell me what these are or direct me to a place where a DVD-challenged person can find out. I'm sure I should know this already, but I never really paid attention. Thanks much!

THis is not a dumb question at all! (So don't say it is!;-) )

Premixes are ready-made workouts taking different parts of a workout and putting them together in a new way. (In the Intensity Series and Body Blast, premixes also included mixes of two different workouts). I haven't gotten my workouts yet (they are sitting at the USPS postal annex waiting for me to pick them up!), so I don't know what the specific ones in HC are made of, but I've seen descriptions posted of the chest/triceps premix, which is shorter than the original workout, and more-or=less alternates between chest and tricep work (same with back/bicep premix).
Thank you very much Kathryn. It seems like we get quite a lot of options and value for our money from Cathe, doesn't it?

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