Drop weight training, cardio only?


I have a muscular physique but have an extra 10 lbs to blast off. I was going to try dropping weight training for a month and focus on cardio 5 days per week (1 intense step (Cathe), 2 interval (IMax and Intense Moves), 1 kickbox (Cardio Kicks), 1 steady state low-impact (FIRM CSM or modified Cathe).

It seems that whenever I take a break from weight training I very quickly move back up to my previous strength. When I took 12 months off from weight training to have my baby I was back to my previous strength within a month or two. Do you think this would be a good experiment or would I risk losing muscle instead of fat?

There are only so many days in the week that I can work out and to get the amount of cardio I need to lose weight I don't think I can fit weight training in too. My thoughts were that I would get toning benefits from the arm drills in kickboxing and from the interval workouts.

I'm so confused about all the info out there and conflicting opinions. I could really use the advice of an expert. Thanks!
That last ten pounds can be a real B to get off. My opinion is that you should try to stick with at least one day of some kind of strength type workout be it weights or power yoga, but two days would be better but I know you have time constrants. I'm certainly no expert on the physiology part of it but I know that strength work enables your body to burn more calories when you do your cardio. What you may want to try for a couple of your cardio workouts is running. I started running about 4 months ago and have noticed a difference in my weight of about 5 pounds. And like you, I was working on getting those last few pounds off. The reason I decided to try it was because Cathe does it and talks about how it keeps her lean. I think she is right. It really works for me. I know it is boring, but try it, it works. You probably won't want to do the IM and intense moves and run twice a week, probably too much impact. But maybe one of the high impact tapes and two runs would be good. And of course watch your diet.

Good luck to you.

Kristie Schultz
Thank you for your input - I didn't think cardio only was a good idea and it seems none of you do either :). I can't run - I have two small children and the only time I could do it is while they are sleeping and I obviously can't leave them alone. DH leaves for work when it is dark and comes home when it is dark and I live in the country so I can't run while he is home.

I just thought of something - Kristie - I could run on Saturdays, is one day a week enough to make a difference? I usually use Saturday as a rest day but I could get out in the afternoons while DH is home.

I can't get over how many people say running has helped them and so desperately want to try it but just can't make it work (I've tried)!
One day might be enough. You could also consider investing in a treadmill if you could swing it. I really think running is worth trying. If there is ANY way you could do it twice a week I woud really try to fit it in. Like if you could do it on sat and sun that would be great! I know it is hard I have a little one too!
Good luck!
Thank you for your response - the weather is cooler now so I am going to have to get out and run! (Treadmill is not an option :(, way to much money for one I could run on!)
Just wanted to fill you in on my experience. I have about 15 lbs to lose. I decided to focus on cardio because that would burn off the fat. I did maintenance weights two times a week. Then I ran an hour 2 days a week, did interval runs 2 days a week and one day of intense kickboxing a week. After 4 months I didn't notice much change except that my legs seemed a little thinner. But my weight didn't change and my clothes sizes didn't change. I was very tired on my long running days. I think I probably lost muscle tone and because I also have a muscular build I hope I can get the muscle back.

Maybe try lifting heavier? Really heavy?
I wish you luck and hope you find the magic rotation to blast off the extra weight? Are you sure you need to lose 10 pounds?

My thought would be to keep the cardio up, but to vary the workouts. If you can't run, try 2 in interval workouts per week, a cardio kick workout and maybe a 2 step workouts.

I am a mother of 4, and for me to fit in 2 weighted workouts and 5 cardio workouts I try to do either Body Max or Circuit Max once per week. I usually split up Body Max. Before the little ones get up, while the older ones shower and dress I can get the step and power circuit segment done. Then after breakfast and everyone has gone to school I will do the upper body section.

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)
Exercise bike

Here's a suggestion.

If you can't run outdoors and think a treadmill is too expensive (and too big) then buy an exercise bike.

I know that cycling is a good cardio work out and is less impact than running and stepping. I know that if you include resistance training into your cycling then you can easily lose weight. (When I was at university, I bought an old bike which was quite heavy to cycle and my I lost so much weight it was incredible).

Be sure to buy a good bike with variable speed so that you can train at your maximum heart rate.
Oh Ellen that is terrible. To spend so much time focusing on something you thought was correct. And if you hate running like I do....And you hear so much about cardio burning fat.

I used to belong to a more hardcore bodybuilder site and those guys (and gals) swore too much cardio, and 5 hours a week was too much, would get you nowhere, that it would undo your muscle building efforts, and muscle ultimately burns more calories. They would just shake their heads at me as if "so sad, this confused girl". (or so I could picture it) I tended to think they had some validity, but that they were true "muscleheads" and naturally biased.

A few weeks ago(2-3), spurred by some Open Discussion comments here, and my deep hearted belief that they are in fact right, I started focusing equally on weights on cardio. I put in one hour a day, seven days a week. Maybe a little more weights on the weekend. I am also eating a little better and a *little* less. I have lost 2-3 pounds.

I think that as the weight comes off I will gain more and more nerve to do less cardio. Maybe 30 minutes 4 times a week. It is a hard idea to get passed lots of long sessions of cardio. I just bought the PS series to inspire me to do more weights. Can you believe I didn't have them yet???

Better stop, very long.

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