Drills in Cardio Kicks


Hi Everyone,

I just did CK for the first time this morning. It's the only kickbox workout I own because it's just not my favorite workout. I bought this dvd for circuit max and decided to give CK a try. I found I did enjoy the drills.....but done alone it wouldn't be enough of a cardio workout, so I am wondering if anyone here has mixed the drills only with step for a tough cardio workout? There are so many creative people here and I'm just not good at putting together workouts. Any suggestions??
Also I hear so much all the time about KPC. Everyone seems to love it. Would a non-kickboxer like it too or is it hard core kickbox that only a true kickbox fan would enjoy??

Thanks for any ideas and help!!
Have a great day!:)
I'll answer your second question:
I see CK as more of a "kickbox-flavored cardio" workout, while KPC is more strickly kicboxing. I prefer KPC, because I like more authentic "punching and kicking" workouts (though I grew to enjoy CK, I didn't like it as much at first because of all the space-hogging move in it). And Kick Max, the newest one, was a disappointment to me, because the kickboxing section was short, more choreographed with lots of pivots that seemed to decrease intensity, coupled with "cheerleader"-type high jump/high impact blasts.

It really depends on your tastes.

Kickboxing drills can be intense, but if you are new to kickboxing, it's harder to access that intensity. Once you can do the punches and kicks with excellent form, you can add 1# weighted gloves to the punches, that helps up the intensity. Also, giving 100% (though not 100% extension!) to the moves increases the intensity.

I LOVE kickboxing because you can get the intensity without the impact, and it really improves flexibility as well. (Though, again, attempting high kicks too early can cause back problems.)
You do not have to be a true kickboxing fan to like KPC. I love and do KPC, but not regularly, not even once a month, but I like it and think it is a superb workout, Cathe's absolute best at kickboxing. I am glad it is part of my collection.

I do a modified version of Circuit Max, in which I substitute barbell squats, plie squats and lunges during the resistance cycles (instead of the compound drills Cathe does with dumbbells), and then immediately after the 6th resistance cycle I pop over to the Cardio Kicks power drills and do those in their entirety. That, my friend, is tough (I do follow the power drills up with a few more barbell leg thingies). I like CK Power Drills as an add-on after other modes (step/hi-lo).

You'd really enjoy KCP as well; you don't have to be a "hard core kickbox fan" (whatever that is) to benefit from it and enjoy it. Plus it had a GREAT stability-ball core and ab sequence done to the tune of "Jurassic Park".

Thanks everyone for your help.

A-Jock, Your version is exactly what I was looking for!! I can't wait to try it!

I may have to add KCP onto my "gotta have" list. Right after the CTX series. There seem to be many fans of both of those.

Thanks again!!:) Everyone here always has great ideas.

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