Drake and Josh....


My daughter loves this show....and well...I kinda like it too. She's got it on right now, and Josh did something that made me laugh so hard that I tripped over the dog's water dish and almost dropped my bowl of pineapple.

SO much better than that Saved By The Bell crap from the 90's.
Too funny...it's seems like that is all I watch sometimes, Drake & Josh or SpongeBob ...LOL :)
"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"



My 5 year old daughter loves it too. And I find it entertaining as well.

My two older kids who are now in their 20s use to subject me to Saved By The Bell and I can say, without wavering one little bit, that Drake and Josh is far better fare.
I think this is interesting. My three year old daughter just saw this show the other day by accident, and loved it. She yelled at me not to turn it off. Melissa

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