Dr. Phil's Weight Loss Book


Has anybody read this book yet? I was thinking about it, but thought I'd get some reviews from this group first, if there are any.

I was wondering if it was a good motivator to losing weight or just some mumbo-jumbo hype to help him make more money. :)


Cheers, Marcia :)
Hi Marcia! I haven't read it, but there are a lot of people on the Weight Watchers message boards talking about it, and I read mostly positive comments from them. People seem to like his no-nonsense approach. Personally, I have mixed feelings about Dr. Phil, but any book that encourages people to take responsibility for their own weight, and teaches them how be accountable for what they choose to eat, sounds like pretty sound and mature advice to me.

I haven't read the book yet and haven't even decided if I will or not. I'm a HUGE Dr. Phil fan -- love his show. But I was VERY disappointed to see a "Dr. Phil Weight Loss Challenge" food product at Sam's Club recently. I don't remember what it was -- snack bar, crackers, something like that. Sure made me think he's trying to cash in. I look forward to hearing the opinion of someone who's read it.

I'm also for anything that will get people to exercise and lose weight, but I am not a Dr. Phil fan. I do feel he is in it for the money. Ediets.com now has his plan also. I don't see that he does anything other than to tell people to get over their problems and get on with their life which is my philosophy anyway. I do understand there are people who need this reinforcement, however.
Hi Kelley! You would be amazed by the people on the WW forum who regard him as some kind of savior or something. As I said, I have mixed feelings about him. I've never read any of his books, and I don't watch his show. I hear about him mostly from being on the message boards at WW, since I'm doing the program. I didn't realize until recently that he is also promoting a "diet" plan of his own. Personally, I'm with you on the whole "get on with your life" philosophy, but there are an alarming number of people out there who seem incapable of that. I guess if anything, Dr. Phil has found a need to fill and is filling it ... along with his bank account of course! LOL! Oh well. More power to him! And, if he helps people along the way and they find a way to control their weight, then he's truly helped them.

Lisa, I'm with you on the whoel weightloss product that he has out. I feel like he's sold out just to make some money now. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe he just honestly cares about how us women feel about ourselves and thinks that this is a safe thing to give us. But I was very saddened when I saw that the other day.
My husband bought the book, he has about 60 pounds to lose, and likes the no nonsense approach. I was also very put off when I saw an ad for one of his weight lose products, I think it was pills two different kinds one for pear shaped women and one for apple shaped?
I thought, Oh great another person whom I respected for his direct approach putting his hand in the pockets of people desperate for a quick fix. Maybe I too am wrong, but somehow this felt all wrong.
I am going to have to agree that he is in it for the money. I couldn't beleive it when I saw a whole section of his "fitness" food in Wal mart, It was the next day after his interview with Katie Couric. I do agree with his way of thinking though, Its basically a just do it attitude. Just my thoughts....
I receive weekly updates from a guy called Charles Staley (strength Coach) and he was talking about this products the other day (Charles never slags anyone off) and was saying that the bars are nothing more then sugar! It would appear that Dr Phil is just trying to make a quick buck off people's desperation (ie - wanting to lose weight).
Awesome pictures! You look great! That is a remarkable weight loss! Just wanted to say Congratulations and keep it up. Glad you "found" Cathe like the rest of us!


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