Downloads in iPad4 Home Movies tab?


My downloads of Pedal Power and Xtrain Ride were placed under the home movies tab rather than the movies tab for videos on my Ipad. They still play but do not display the dvd cover. All my other downloads were placed into the movies tab and the workout covers are visible. I have tried to transfer PP & Ride to the movies tab but its not working. In my iTunes these 2 workouts show up with a symbol like a musical note whereas the other workouts show a film strip type symbol. Not sure if that has any significance but I would like all my workout downloads to be in the same place with the workouts covers visible. Do you have any suggestions on how to fix this? Thanks!
I remember a while ago this was an issue and SNM posted a way to change the settings. For the life of me I can't remember what it was. Tonight I will think about it and see what I can come up with. Perhaps SNM will see this in the meantime!!!
I remember a while ago this was an issue and SNM posted a way to change the settings. For the life of me I can't remember what it was. Tonight I will think about it and see what I can come up with. Perhaps SNM will see this in the meantime!!!

Thank You!! The strange thing is the downloads & dvd covers were in the video tab previously but after I upgraded to IOS 8, the home movies tab was added and these two workouts were placed there.
Well, looks like I spoke too soon...

I changed the settings and can now see the Cathe downloads on my iPad under MOVIES and I see the cover art and the chapters, HOWEVER, nothing plays on the iPad when I click on the cover art - I just have a blank screen. (no running time is displayed, either).

Any advice?
RobertaJJ- I've been away from the forums and just saw your post. Have you resolved this yet? I didn't experience this problem so I don't have any advice. Just make sure you followed each step exactly and hopefully it will work or someone will chime in with some help.

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