"double jointed elbows"


Hi, Cathe!

I have hyperextensive elbows that don't lock out until about 30 degrees past straight. (Yep, looks about as freaky as it sounds.) I know that during weight training and boxing-type moves, I should not lock my elbows out. I do find, however, that I tend to straighten my arms fully. Is this ok, given that my range of motion is greater than most people's and "straight" is not "locked out" for me? Or should I try to keep them less than fully straight? (I haven't experienced any problems with what I'm doing.)

Hope everything is going well with your new little one!

Same question

I had a yoga lesson the other night where the teacher (a friend of mine) noted that my elbows hyperextend (not as dramatically as 30 degrees, but where I feel like my arms are "straight" they are visibly bent back a little). She noted this tendency when I lowered from "plank," when I did "up dog," and also when I did "down dog." So I'm positive I must be doing it in push-ups too. She said it was bad and I should watch out, but I'm wondering why. I just don't feel like my arm really is "straight" otherwise, so I'm wondering why it's bad for me to exercise that part of my range of motion.

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