Door Gym(pull up bar)


does anyone own a Door Gym? do u like it? i live in an apartment and cant decide if i should buy it. i have been wanting a pull up bar for a long time.also dont want anything to happen to my apartment!

I used to have one--it was actually attached to the inside of the door jamb with two brackets (obviously so you could still open & close the door :+ ). I really liked it.

I had first tried the one that hooks over the top of the jamb, but it felt unstable & it made me really nervous.
I have one. Here's a link to a description of exactly what I have:

I really like it. I use it often and have had no problems with it. But, since you are in an apartment, I should tell you that the bar does blacken the doorframe in the small areas where there is contact. I use the "eraser" pad to remove the black spots. Also, there are slight depressions in the doorframe from the bar (after over a year of use). They are not really noticable unless you look really closely. Also, the bar comes unassembled and without directions! I was able to figure it out, but it wasn't easy.

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