I tried the body harnesses, and they just got better at pulling (because it's so much easier to pull when you're in a harness - they are, after all, designed for pulling). I believe they work well with some dogs, but mine just thought they were running the Iditarod.
This is totally true for regular harnesses but not for an Easy Walk or Sense-ible harness where the leash attaches to the front center of the chest. Honestly, I love it when people teach their dogs to walk nicely onleash without the use of a 'gadget' but 90% of the people in my classes simply are not disciplined or patient enough themselves to do it
Janie ~ It sounds like you are making good progress anyway! What sort of a puppy is it?
I'm amazed by all you people who actually teach your children to ask before petting dogs, I seem to constantly be training other peoples children for them