<--Don't let the past remind us of what we are not now...


<--waves morning to all
<--did battle with a big bag oof peanut butter m&ms last night and the m&ms won :(
<--loves c,s,n,&,y!!!
<--is not sure what w/o to do today
<--will probably do gym styles or upper body premix from 4DS or...
<--will decide soon
<--wonders where some oalers are
<--roll call to carola, teri, meggles, amy, judy, kelli, tammy, michele...
<--hopes we see them soon
<--worries about oalers when we don't hear from them for so long
<--wonders if foot stomping ala robin would help?
<--is going to go procrastinate and try to figure out a w/o
<--- waves good morning to lorie
<--- hopes she finds a good workout
<--- thanks her also for the ecards :7
<--- just saw liann's photos from yesterday - how christmassy is that?!
<--- also procrastinating on workout today (and every day, to be honest) ...
<--- is thinking of doing low max premix as can really only manage 45 mins today
<--- usually comes back from a workout break with renewed enthusiasm but this time whenever <--- thinks of DVDs just thinks 'boring' x(
<--- says bye for now
<--oh, about the ecards...
<--has NO idea why they seem to have been sent twice
<--apologizes, but hopes that doubles the good wishes!
<--Waves Good Morning to Lori,Ronne and all who follow!
<--is with all the procrastinating-ers on workouts
<--also loves e-cards from Lori-Thanks her agian for them!
<--alwasy says'oooohhhhh,i got another e-card'like a fifteen yr old,lol
<--waves to Miss Ronne and hopes she has fun with LM
<--doesn't have that one...one day will!
<--is sure will one day own ALL of cathe;-)
<--is taking a rest day:7
RE: <--Don't let the past remind us of what we are not ...

<---'m am yours, you are mine, we are what we are
<---also loves this song
<---is a sucker for a clever lyric
<---hopes Ronne finds a WO that isn't boring
<---thinks that is a symptom of Januaryitis
<---remembers Carola posting not too long ago that she was sick
<---has also been thinking about Meaghan a lot lately
<---wonders if Beav's has been in touch?
<---will give Lorie a foot stomping lesson
<---tells Lorie the lower lip has to stick out more for a proper pout
<---is still feeling yuccky
<---has a big pile of work waiting
<---also has a computer terminal in the back of the department and may bag the work and try to chat more today
<---hopes to be back later
RE: <--Don't let the past remind us of what we are not ...

<--- waves good morning to all
<--- is having a craptacular day so far
<--- thinks that seems to be the norm lately
<--- is really happy to see Ronne back
<--- will try to get back later
<--also loves CSNY...already told y'all that
<--tells Lorie to enjoy the M&Ms and STHU!!!
<--says she works hard enough to enjoy a treat
<--waves to Ronne and Amelia
<--tells Ronne <-- was going through the procrastination phase but has found renewed interest somehow....
<--sends anti crap vibes Shelley's way with a hug
<--advises that Tammy is a-okay and is one the daily check in...well..daily
<--has a hawt date with Tammy and Doodles on Thursday the 17th as all three of the OALers embark on their very first spinning class
<--is excited as this place has nothing but classes, for chicks, for beginning to advanced and took a "Muscle Pump" class and loved it
<--went to the new gym (Planet Fitness) this a.m. and worked out with Coach Sean
<--hugs Robin because she's awesome
<--is off to get crap done around the office in liberry land
<--- says hi to Beavs and thinks the gym sounds fab
<--- thanks Robin for giving the disease a name
<--- tells Amelia to enjoy her rest day
<--- hopes Shelley's day gets better
<--- has just done the step only premix of LM. First cardio of the year and <--- feels better now
<--- thinks <--- just needed to get that one out of the way!
<--waves to the ladies
<--LOVES pb M&Ms. Thinks they are the bestest variety of M&Ms
<--Knows that the way Lorie works out, she can afford a cheat night
<--Hopes Robin gets to feeling better soon!!
<--Wishes Shelley a brighter day
<--Hopes she knows how fantabulous we all think she is
<--Is glad to see Ronne!!
<--Wonders how life is across the pond
<--Waves to Amelia and Beavs
<--Must go prepare breakfast for kiddos
<---Waves good morn' to all the chickies on this fine hump day
<---Glad to hear Lorie won the battle WHOOOHOOO! :)
<---Stomps foot too! :)
<---Waves to dear Ronne!
<---Is part of the procrastinator club too...did walk the puppers yesterday and snow shovel...thinks that should count.
<---Wishes dear Amelia a wonderful rest day!
<---Waves to dear Robin and hope she gets better soon
<---Sends good day vibes to dear Shelley
<---Thinks crappy days suck big time...
<---Waves to the blur who is Beavs...good job on the workout chickie!
<---Waves to dear Steph and hopes she has a good day!
<---Says there is not much new here
<---Is off to find some tea
RE: <--Don't let the past remind us of what we are not ...

<--- comes in & waves to everyone
<--- thanks all of you for all the kind words yesterday
<--- had been feeling like <--- didn't have a friend left in the world
<--- knows that isn't true now & is truly thankful for all of you!
<--- is still feeling down & knows there is no end in sight (for now anyway)
<--- also knows where to find some uplifting people
<--- says "that's here, in case y'all didn't realize that!"
<--- wonders what workout Lorie will end up doing?
<--- also thanks her for the e-cards
<--- also loves CSNY & PB M&Ms!
<--- hopes Ronne enjoys her workout & hopes it brings her some renewed enthusiasm
<--- loves the 45 minute premixes on LM & always feels like <--- got a good workout afterward
<--- hopes Amelia enjoys her rest day & tells her she HAS to get LM (it was <---'s first Cathe)
<--- hopes Robin feels better & comes back to chat more later
<--- is super sorry that Shelley is having a craptacular day & hopes it improves ASAP!
<--- can relate... unfortunately
<--- thinks Beavs' upcoming OAL GTG sounds like lots of fun
<--- also thinks the "Muscle Pump" class sounds great
<--- just read that Ronne did indeed enjoy her workout & is glad about that!
<--- is hungry & thinking about heading to Stephanie's for breakfast
<--- hopes Melissa enjoys her tea & sends her some de-procrastination vibes
<--- is planning to try & "fly under the radar" today so <--- doesn't say any more ugly things to anyone
<--- should probably start thinking about making a major change in <---'s life
<--- is just going to deal with it for now though
<--- hopes everyone has a great Wednesday
<--- needs to go for now but will try to BBL
RE: <--Don't let the past remind us of what we are not ...

<---gives Kel an extra hug to start her day out properly :)
<---assures her that ALL of us have been through similar trials
<---gives her all the support she needs! :)
RE: <--Don't let the past remind us of what we are not ...

<--- thanks Melissa for the hug & kind words
<--- knows this is a great place for support
<--- offers hugs, kind words, & lots of support wherever they are needed too
<---waves Happy Hump Day to all!
<---says soon we will be in the home stretch of this week :D
<---thinks we can make it!
<---did ME this morning and was crying during the biceps :p
<---loves Cathe's evil laugh during the static holds }(
<---tells Lorie that peanut butter m&ms ALWAYS win the battle :9
<---isn't ashamed to admit that <--- lets them win!
<---tells Ronne that <--- goes through phases like that too, where all <---'s DVDs sound boring
<---hopes she can find some renewed interest!
<---assures Amelia that yes, one day, she will own ALL of Cathe's workouts :)
<---agrees with Robin about Januaryitis
<---says the only thing that motivates <--- during this awful month is the fact that <--- is following a rotation
<---would probably be doing SleepMax every morning if <--- wasn't doing a rotation!
<---is sorry Shelley is having a craptacular day :(
<---is so jealous of Beavs and Tammy and Doodles going to spin class together!
<---thinks that sounds uber-fun! :D
<---wonders what Stephanie made the kids for breakfast and if there's any left for <--- ;)
<---passes the teapot to Melissa
<---sends Kel some great big (((hugs))) and tells her "of course you have friends!" :D
<---is off to peruse the forums and, maybe, get some work done :p
<--drops by to say hi
<--loves C,S,N,Y too
<--has slightly less love for PB M&M's
<--but cannot resist Nutter Butter Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies!
<--drops back out again
<--hopes everyone stays warm, dry, safe, happy today
<--waves good morning
<--tells Beav's <--driving in the crap was not too bad...
<--thinks Beav's 17th spinning class with other OALer's sounds way fun!
<--tells Catherine YEP <--ran in the rain yesterday <--got soaked but house was warm when <--got home!
<--says to Lorie <--loves M&M peanuts DARK chocolate...yum
<--hopes Ronne enjoys Lowmax premix
<--hopes Amelia has a nice rest day
<--sorry Robin is still feeling yukky
<--thinks maybe Robin chatting more today will make her feel less yukky
<--sorry about Shelley's crappy day <--sends hugs
<--thinks Cathe's biceps are sheer torture in ME
<--is glad Emily sailed thru the ME workout
<--is shaking head as <-- does not know what c,s,n,y is?
<--thought today was good, but DH just picked a fight
<--makes for a not fun start to day...
<--waves BFN to all the OALer's
<---waves goodmorning to all you lovely ladies!
<---is very frustrated with herself because <--- hasn't been able to get back into an exercise routine since vacation
<---set her alarm clock for 5:20 a.m. this morning and even bought a Bosu yesterday to try and motivate her to get up
<---admits it didn't work... had fun bouncing on the Bosu last night though
<---has been so beat at night she can't imagine working out
<---wonders if she has a V-D deficiency... or perhaps she is just a lazy arse :p
<---will stop whining now
<---hopes everyone is having a good hump day
<---thinks the return to a 5 day work week is MURDER
<---is still keeping the Muffster in her prayers and hopes she is doing ok
<---feels kind of stupid for not knowing what c,s,n and y is
<---also wonders where all the AWOL OALers are
<---totally understands Ronne's lack of enthusiasm
<---feels the same way
<---thanks Lorie for the sweet e-cards :)
<---thinks Beav's gym sounds cool
<---is jealous of her spinning class
<---is still paying dues for a gym that she doesn't even go to anymore, sigh...
<---adds that it is all meatheads now and she just doesn't fit in
<---tells Melissa that shoveling definitely counts as a workout!
<---grabs Kel and gives her a big hug and says she will always be her friend! :)
<---tells Em that she thinks we all need a 2008 RT announcement to help give us a renewed interest in our DVD's ;)
<---was thinking about that yesterday when DH was looking at dates for our summer vacation
<---must run and find some food - is STARVING
<--for all the sweet young thing OAL-ers
<--Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young
<--with love from the 40+ crowd!
<--Back from taking Oliver to school and making ANOTHER trip to grocery store
<--Thinks <--should have resolved to go to grocery store less in this new year
<--Can't help it
<--ALWAYS forgets things even though <--is a list goddess
<--Bought squeaky clean things
<--except for Fiber One bars, which <--loves. Did you know they now come in "Caramel and Oats" YUM!!!
<--Also bought wheat germ to sprinkle atop food b/c <--heard from Dr. Oz it's uber good for you, and also has lots of folic acid, which <--is trying to build up for baby making
<--Also stocked up on berries. Strawberries for $2.50! What a deal! and blackberries. Yum!!
<--Apologizes for grocery store recap (can you tell I love food?)
<--Waves to Evily, Kel, Melissa, Suzanne and Mckmain, whom <--will refer to as "Mac" from now on if that's OK because I always forget how to spell Mckmain. I tend to forget the k.
<--Thinks everyone needs a big squishy group hug!!!!
<--Is sorry Kel is still in a funk.
<--Says it's weird to see one of the sunniest, most cheerful OALers down
<--Is also sorry that Robin and Shelley are feeling blue
<--Hates to see that so many of you are down
<--thinks this time of year is not fun sometimes because of the holiday let-down and cold winter blah days
<--Assures you all who are down that we are here for you
<--Is so thankful for this forum and all the supportive gals here
<--Tells Evily that <--has been planning to do ME for days now but <--hasn't
<--Hasn't done a good weight workout in SO long
<--'s arms are getting all flabby and floppy. Eww.
<--Starts new ballet class tonight (in addition to the Monday class)
<--Will do ME tomorrow. (Hopes you all hold <--to that.)
<--Ordered Bodymax 2 last week, and it says it's "Pending", whatever that means
<--CANNOT WAIT to get it!!! Scrambled Eggs, here I come!!!
<--OK, must go make coffee before <--bores you all to death with this opus
<--Sends happy vibes to all!!!

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