don't know where to do this

I am not sure where to ask this, but I messed up when registering. How do you clear this and re-register without it coming up as a duplicate name? Thanks for any help!
user name

I am trying to change my user name. Didn't read ALL of the directions when I was re- registering. That's what I get for thinking I know what I am doing! Thanks for the quick reply!

<center><font size="1" color="#ff0000">LAST EDITED ON Jun-12-00 AT 09:35PM (EST)</font></center>

Just reregister with a different user name. You can keep the same password
color me...

stupid!, but this is not working! I go into to register with the username I want and the same password. It comes up dupl_user. Then if you try to log in with the new user name and the same password it comes up incorrect password and will not let you log in to post. Perhaps if I changed my username and had a new password? But then wouldn't I be in there twice just under 2 different names, or will it not let me because I will still have the same email and will know it is the same person? Sorry to waste your so much of your time!
duplicate user id

That just means the user ID you want is already taken.Try again, but this time change your user ID by adding a 2 to it; ie, cknight2.
There is one other possibility, but try this first.

Well, this worked but now it has me wondering. Could it have been that I was still registered with my original username and just messed up on the password or something? It was just a few weeks ago when I tried to post and could not. I had my password saved months ago and I was logged in as soon as I called up the site. Then I tried to post a few weeks ago and it made me log in manually. Thought this was due to change in your site that I needed to re- register but maybe I just had my password wrong. Can't imagine too many people having momincharge as their username.I know it's silly but it is a joke with my kids!

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