Donna gettinfit@39 on TV


What a great way to look at it! If only we could all be so mature and forgiving…

You should be proud!
Leave it to you, Donna, to always find a way to make chicken salad out of chicken %$#@.:7

The image of your daughter carpet-bombing all the media mucky-mucks out of pride for her mother was endearing and hilarious! Teenagers can be soooooo dangerous with a 'puter, a postage stamp and a phone!

I must confess: I've gone a little "Gilad-ing" of my own as far as your personal story is concerned. I've brought up your specific experience and bio to numerous aqua participants of mine, as well as other friends and acquaintances, who have a lot of self-doubt as to whether they can ever get fitter and stronger. Although I've never disclosed your name or location, you've been one of my role models for myself and others.


I'm sorry for bringing up this whole topic with my original post, and reminding you of this whole Gilad ordeal! I am so sorry for what you've been through with those slimeballs.

I only saw the commercial once, but I don't remember seeing your name or hearing any claims, quotes, or information about you. Am I right? They just flashed your pictures on the screen for a moment, along with some pictures of a few other people, but they weren't full screen pictures. It wasn't even long enough for me to tell that they were before and after pictures. I wonder why they bothered to use those pictures at all? Was there more than I saw?

I must admit I am tempted to write an email to Bodies in Motion, but will not do so unless you, and the others here, think it is a good idea. I am livid too, and don't know if I am thinking clearly!

Your buddy in lividity,


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