Donna gettinfit@39 on TV


Hey Donna gettinfit@39,

Wasn't that you on the Gilad Bodies in Motion TV commercial I saw last night? They showed your picture for only a few seconds, but I think I recognized you from your website. Was that you or am I nuts?

RE: Really!!!!

Donna where are you....was it you, was it you. Hey....what are you doing on a gilad bodies in motion ought to be one of the crew in a Cathe video!!!!!
LIVID over this!................

Let me tell you, yes that was my picture and I was LIVID when I saw it! I heard from a cyber friend (Dana) on another site that she saw my pics on the infomercial and that's when I found out it was there!

Short story version:

I was asked to try the "Quick Fit System" and diet plan last year in 2002 and record my results. I did, it was okay, I liked the shorter weight workouts (15 or 20min each) and actually had some visible results from the Shoulders-Arms workout. And I was going to agree to do the infomercial until the PR woman said she wanted me to "elude" that my overall weightloss came from Gilad's workouts. I said I couldn't do that because it was a lie, and you'd have to understand my background to know why that meant something to me, but basically the one thing anyone who really knows me knows is that I believe it is a sin to lie! I've always told my kids there is no such thing as a "little white lie," a lie is a lie, no size, no color, and it's a sin.
Sooo, that's when she (the PR woman) said it could be eluded, but since she couldn't understand my point I just respectfully declined to participate in the infomercial. I thought that was the end of it, but it wasn't. The pictures that my daughter originally sent which were the before and after they showed on screen they went ahead and used without any permission from me!
My daughter thought at the time she sent them she was doing something "cool" because she saw some offer on his site or ad or something and she sent my pics which was how they originally contacted me to ask me to try the Quick Fit System.

So, yes it was me, but NO! I didn't wish to participate in the infomercial because it would be too misleading to others to think that using his system was what made me lose 200lbs. I know how it feels to want to find the "magic solution" so that was why I refused to do it, I didn't want even 1 person out there to think if they ordered that workout system that they would have the same results, because Cathe is how I lost my weight, when I did his system I was roughly 187lbs and I believe after the 6 week trial I was 180lbs, so with my diet (not even his because it was way too restrictive) and his system I lost 7lbs in 6 weeks. But that was a far cry from my before picture they wanted to use.

So, color me livid in Fayetteville!x(

RE: LIVID over this!................

Hi Donna,
You have every right to be livid. We are livid with you. Wow! Can I have your autograph?
:7 :7
RE: LIVID over this!................

This is a good reason NOT to buy his tapes, that slime! I wonder if you could demand that you be taken off the infomercial by threatening legal action...any legal minds out there who could answer that?
:) Hey Donna, I think it is neat that you were on an infomercial. I will have to look for you. What time are these infomercials on and what channel? Can any of you help?
RE: Legal remedies

Donna - that really, REALLY is so bad.

I too wonder if you have legal remedies in this. Did you sign any sort of written release when you agreed to do that Quick Fit thingie? When your daughter sent in your pictures, was it with any understanding that they could use these pictures at their discretion? Did you sign ANYTHING that authorized them to use your data for their marketing purposes?

My guess is that if there are legal remedies out there for you, it would probably take a gargantuan effort on your part to realize them. Maybe you could talk to an attorney about getting a "cease and desist" demand to the Gilad lizards. Something like that.

How d@mned cheesy can that be . . . to try to claim credit for someone else's success just to make a buck.

Sister In Lividity
Hi Donna, Just wanted to clarify my above remark.

This kind of thing really makes one feel distrustful of any commercial you see, whether it is exercise or any other product. One is, did the person in the picture really use this product?
"Buyer beware" never has taken on such caution as it does today. There is hardly any scruples anymore.
While I would still like your are famous to me, with or without your pix on TV, here's hoping you aren't being taken advantage of. They are using your picture to sell their product.
AJ had some interesting points to look at.
Lawyer's take...


I am so sorry that this happened to you! My initial reaction is that yes, you probably do have some legal remedies. Obviously I can't give you legal advice in this forum, but most of the questions that I would ask you in a professional capacity are along the same lines that AquaJock already brought up. Without reviewing your paperwork I can't say for sure what I would recommend as a course of action, but I can tell you that a good attorney in Pennsylvania will know what your legal remedies are (and the initial consultation should be free!)

Let me know if I can help in any specific way.

I admire your strength of character and purpose!

RE: LIVID over this!................

Hi Donna,

How horrible! It's really disgusting how companies will use any tactic to peddle their wares. You should look into getting a legal opinion. It's not right that they are using your image to sell their product without your consent.

All that hard work you put into getting in shape was by your own willpower and through Cathe's training. Who does this guy think he is taking credit for that!

Take care,
RE: Another thought:

Donna, it sounds from an earlier poster that Gilad is running the infomercial with your image and "bio" quite frequently.

Could you also report this conduct to the Federal Trade Commission, or other watchdog agency (preferably a government authority rather than a private trade group) for deceptive marketing / advertising / consumer practices?

Here's what I was told....

My hubby and I saw it at the same time and our mouths dropped wide open, at first he laughed until I explained to him the ramifications as I saw them, then he got ticked off too!
So we assumed that since I never signed anything, and I mean nothing at all, that it had to be illegal, so that Monday (we saw it on a Sat or Sun) I called some local attorney offices to see if I could get someone to check on it on a contingency basis but I kept getting the same answers: basically I could persue it since they (Gilad's people) would have nothing in writing giving them authorization to use my pictures or likeness, but it would cost me on my end first! No one was willing to discuss a "next step" without me coming in and going through a consultation, yadda, yadda, yadda.
So then James (hubby) thought maybe we should just contact the PR people at Gilad and threaten them with action and maybe they'd fall for it and remove my pics, but I figured someone somewhere weighed the options of going ahead and using the pics in the first place against us taking action against them, so they might not fold so easily! I could be wrong and they could be morons that set themselves up, but...?

So if I want to do something, apparently I can, I'd just have to foot the bill for it initially and hopefully get back whatever I spent in legal fees through suing them.

Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
RE: Another thought:

Now that's an idea! That one I will check into and maybe if I can get something going they might drop me off the infomercial to save themselves the trouble.


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
That's outrageous! I will never, EVER buy anything from Gilad ever again! He can consider himself boycotted unless you get a retraction and a personal apology from Gilad himself! He just doesn't know how many friends you have!!!!!

Do you think we should all write/e-mail him with our opinion of his company's practices? I'll be happy to do that.

Hi Donna,

What a creep!!!

I am so sorry that someone else has taken advantage of all your hard work. Of course I have never seen the infomercial as I live in the UK.
Maybe you could tell Cathe about it and she could run her own infomercial at the same time, with you on it telling everyone how you lost weight through Cathes videos and no one else, which could help you to clarify yourself and advertise cathe at the same time.
at least it would cast doubt in peoples minds about gilad, and a little doubt is all you need.

I know Im not in the legal proffession, and my suggestion is hyperthetical, but what if it could be done.
I am sure Cathe would be upset if she saw the infomercial also as you have come a long way with her and she has developed a relationship with her fans.

Check his website for more...

...not only did he put Donna's story on his infomercial, he posted her pics on his web site with a "testimonial!" I would do something fast - this is just outrageous!
WOW! Originally I was really livid over it, but as time passed I realized holding on to angry feelings about it wasn't going to help me so I let it go. And you guys that have his workouts please go ahead and still do them, h*ll, I do! I figure as with everything else in life "you reap what you sew," so I let it go!
The only, and I do mean only positive thought I hold is that even though it is deceptive advertising, maybe enough of the "miraculous" weight loss pictures shown might help any one person get started on their fitness journey. His workouts aren't "Cathe" but at least a person gets started on the right road to improved health and fitness.

My daughters letter writing campaign didn't start or end with Gilad! As it turned out, she also wrote to Maury Povich (makeover my mom in clothes that fit!), Ricki Lake (can you give my mom a boob job?), Montel Williams (Ricki Lake didn't answer me so can you give my mom a boob job?) and lastly, Jenny Jones (my mom has lost 200lbs, can you give her a "hot" makeover look?)
This is what can happen when you allow a 16 year old complete use of a computer and don't check behind her!
So in the greater scheme of things who knows why things happen, I can only assume that maybe my picture may have a greater purpose, I hate like h*ll that it is used under a deception like I lost all the weight with those workouts, I hate that more than I can explain in mere words, but I just pray that some good come from it and that somewhere someone who thinks they've gained just too much weight to make a change that could be effective might see them and say, "hey, I'm her size, if she could do it, maybe I can too!" Actually, this thinking is what makes it bearable for me!
But hey, don't throw away good money, his tactics are crumby, his ethics and morals are dispicable, but his workouts aren't 1/2 bad so if you've already got them, no point wasting your money, it doesn't hurt anyone but you, so use em and burn some extra calories calling him names as you workout! I find it cathartic! :)

Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!

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