I know, GS Chest and Triceps has pretty much left us all crippled by DOMS the first time around. It is evil}( But the good news is that you probably won't feel this way after the second time around, and almost certainly won't feel this way by the third go. Almost any new, intense exercise will leave you feeling sore, or extreme "Cathe-sore" as in this case. Just take some Ibruprofen, a nice hot bath with some epsom salts, get a massage from a loved one (preferably with peanut oil if you have any around), a lot of sleep, and a lot water. Also, add in some stretch tapes/non-power yoga to get the kinks and lactic acid out of the muscles. Your endurance and muscles will become more adapted to these workouts everytime you do them and though you will still feel the burn (slow motion lunges, need I same more?), it won't be hampering the intensity of your cardio workouts in the same way.
Enjoy the results you'll be getting from the GS series, they are great!