DOMS after Core Max??


I have been getting serious DOMS after using Core Max. I feel like I work hard during the segments, but don't feel like OMG killer workout when I am done. Then I wake up the next day and am really feeling it for like 2 days! Is anyone else experiencing this?

I sure am. I did the Core Max 2 on Monday and my abs were sore for three days straight. It hurt when I coughed or sneezed.
I find that I'm sore only when I use the segment with the stability ball and medicine ball. The instability of the ball and the weight from the dumbbell (which I sub for the med ball) really does a number on my core. I even feel it a bit in my back.

Not to brag, but I can't say that I did get any DOMS after Core Max. I did the first segment, then the second, then the third! All in one sitting! I thought I was going to regret it the morning after, but to my surprise and shock, I wasn't one bit sore!! I was scratching my head because it was a tough hour of core work and nothing! Well, I guess I'm a lot stronger than I though I was. Who knew?!?:)

I'm with Dorothy. I did segment 2 on Thursday, and here today I still can feel it in my upper abs. And while doing the workout, I never felt fatigued, just nice and warm, but for the past two very sore. Segment 2 is the only one I really like...all those hip raise thingies in #1 make me feel like a weakling and #3 I can't quite finish....and I really thought I had a solid core....lots of work to do there I guess.

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