doing STS upper all in weekend


I really would like to do the most cardio possible and I seem to not be able to do more than 5 times a week of workout. Since I have more time on the weekend, I am thinking of doing the 2 STS upper in weekend (one each day) following by a HITT workout. I cannot do HITT after lower body... just not possible for me. But after upper body, it's great... but that's 1h30 and I can fit it sometimes in weekdays... but to not stress out, I am thinking of doing this on weekends. Like that during weekdays, I will do one lower body and 2 cardio.

I would have a total of 4 cardio sessions, which sounds good to me

But is it a bad idea to do the 2 STS upper body one day after the other?


i think its fine since you will be working different muscle groups. i say give it a try and see how it feels. you have to do what fits into your schedule and works for you.

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