Doing STS outside the pre-structured format


Hello Cathe,

I am interested in the STS series for the various types of weight training on offer. However, I rarely follow a structured program and tend to do things according to what I think my body requires and my lifestyle allows. For example, I will do a few weeks of muscle endurance type workouts, and switch to heavy weights workouts for another few weeks if I feel that my body was too accustomed to light weights. And I don't always manage to train the whole body in a week, maybe stretch it over 1.5-2 weeks, because of other commitments my workout has be flexible and fit into my lifestyle.

Could I incorporate STS into my current training and be regarded as just weight workouts rather than a complete training system? For instance, can Mesocycle #1 be used exclusively for a few weeks, then switch to Mesocycle #2 or Mesocycle #3? I understand that this may not give the best results.

Am I right in thinking that STS is designed to be like P90 or P90X and therefore should be stuck to religiously for several weeks until the program is complete?


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