Doing Imax quietly!


For all the regular Imax users, this is probably obvious, but I was amazed to find how grueling Imax was to do this morning as I attempted to do it as quietly as possible. I am proud to say that this was the first time I've gotten through the whole tape, without waking up the whole house! It is a lot harder to do with control, and not thump and thud around! I know in one of the CTX tapes Cathe says to jump up onto the step quietly, and I was really thinking about that when I did Imax this morning, on all of the jumping. I made it through, no modifcations, and I did it QUIETLY!

Just had to brag...

I admire your control. I don't just thump and thud, I grunt and cuss and f*rt . . .

Thankfully, hubby is already up by then, and there's no one else around.

Annette Q. Aquajock
thump and thud, I grunt and cuss and f*rt . . .

Annette, you are truly hillarious! Thanks for making me laugh. I always look forward to your responses. They brighten my day!

Blessings from Our Home to Yours, Runathon
I also have to second Annette's comments (particularly the F**t) hee hee. I hate it when my hubby walks in right after one. It never fails.... their timing is always perfect isn't it???

Annette this one really cracked me up!!!

Christine I admire your quietdom too! At least we know there is hope for us moaners, groaners, sighers and F**ters:)

I did power max yesterday evening and I decided to listen to Cathe to.I can remeber one video(I don't think it was Cathe)saying "land like your landing on marshmellow cream.
I did 10-10-10 yesterday morning. I didn't want to be to hard on my knees and ankles yesterday so I tried to land softly during Power wasn;t that hard at all.But you could get a little sloppy after your tired.
Hey, I never made any claims as to no cussing and f*rting. Those are a given. There was just no earth-shattering thuds!


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