Doggin' my workouts - why?


Hello all,

So I've been completely unmotivated by the same old DVDs, and can hardly be bothered to work out past 60 minutes. 70 minutes workouts? UGH!

What's going on? I don't feel tired, just not interested in working hard.

I took a very easy week a couple weeks ago; I think I only worked out about three times. Before that I did a quick three-week Slow and Heavy rotation.

This weekend I did a 5 mile walk Saturday and then a 4 mile walk on Sunday, and really felt like I was cheating on my workouts.

I should be exercising now but I'm just not interested in bouncing around.

I'm I gettin' old or just lazy - haha?

Any advice or kick in the pants would be much appreciated!

Thanks for reading,
Susan L.G.
Hey Susan,

I felt like this 2 weeks ago-I sooo cant wait for the new series as I am getting bored. I took a week off of working out completely and just started back up on Monday and I feel great. Im not as bored as as I was but I am using the treadmill more now. Sometimes our bodies get too used to doing the same thing and we need to change it up a bit. You are not getting old or lazy trust me!! Try doing something new that you have not done in a while or have not tried yet. Good luck!!


Geez, I could have written this post!x( I have been feeling like total crap for the past few weeks. Unless my PMS has decided to increase in duration, I do not get why I feel so sluggish.

I have not had much motivation to workout either. And I have a brand new lease on life with a new hip and all!:) Oh sure, I did LIC tonight, walked yesterday and did some floorwork, etc...but feel so blasse' about it all. Hum, maybe it is my PMS, cause I want to eat my whole fridge tonight.

I understand how you feel, but trust me, this too will pass. Actually, after LIC tonight, I felt pretty good about it. Maybe because I had not done it in such a long time, so maybe you should go outside and walk or something. Last month's Fitness mag had some really great outdoor workouts that I intend on trying-fun, fun, fun.:) Lisa is right, new things always motivate you right? Even buying new workout clothes helps motivate me, so does new shoes.
I think everyone feels like this from time to time, I know I do. There are some days I just sit and stare at my dvd collection wondering what workout to do and none of them catch my eye. But a couple of days later, there will be a few that I want to do. Thats why I find it hard to stick to rotations b/c I like doing what workout I am in the mood for.
I think its our bodies way of asking for a rest. Why don't you take a couple of rest days and then see what happens? I don't normally, and i will just make myself do something. 9 chances out of 10, if I don't workout one day, then I won't want to workout the next. So I wouldn't wait to long before you actual workout again.

I think what you're feeling is completely natural. Everyone goes through this from time to time. It can either be a sign that you need rest or that you need to shake up your workouts. If you feel fine physically then you definitely need to find some new workouts. Instead of doing a DVD, why not make up your own workout using the equipment that you have. Make up your own circuit or interval workout. I am been doing this a lot lately and it's really fun. You can also search the internet for some new workouts. Do something you haven't tried before. It might just get your mind back into the game.
Thanks for the input! I knew I could count on the educated crowd!

I think I just might treat myself to that BOSU I asked about on THE OD Forum a few days back. After all - my 40th birthday is coming up next week, and I *do* deserve to get myself a present, right? Hee. :p

Funny, I don't consider myself that impatient for the new workouts - I really could care less, they'll come out in due time, but gosh, I'm starting to get antsy!

Have a great day everyone!

Susan L.G.

P.S. Edited because I can't spell 'the' correctly (teh?)...
Count me in Susan. I am doggone tired and bored as well. Let me ask you: are you sleeping enough? Change of season and later sunrise, early sunset throughs the body off a bit. Also are you eating healthy? Drinking enough H2O? Stay on track with all that. And finally -- stress. Ah, my favorite habit, being stressed. It does take its toll. I always go back to the basics when i am blah - wat, sleep, breathe more/freak out less.

When all else fails, chocolate and red wine.

This week, I had to travel on business and I still haven't caught up on sleep. I did Circuit Max this morning - well i should call it Circuit Maxed-out. I sweated profusely and that was just the warm up!

I signed up for a full day yoga retreat with Baron baptiste who is hitting NYC in early November. Something different to shake things up. Couldn't happen any sooner.

Hang in there my burnt out frinds! Four day split is coming!


Fit Over 40
I've been running ragged at school (elementary music teacher) and I've been remiss in my H2O intake and yeah, my sleep has not been restful - I wake up at 3:00 or 3:30 in the morning *every* morning and stare at the ceiling for an hour, even with taking an Ambien. It's very strange how regular my irregular sleep is!

Thanks for the boost!

Susan L.G.
Interrupted sleep would definitely give you the blahs, and make enthusiasm for working out head down the toilet.

But also, you just sound plain old bored. You know, it's OK to get bored with Cathe. Yes, she's great and all and we all love her, but sometimes you just need a total break from a certain way of training, as much for the mind as for the body. In fact, I think it is the mind that needs the most stimulation and you are a very intelligent person, and creative person, it just might be that your mind is screaming for SOMETHING ELSE, SOMETHING NEW, and not necessarily the 4 day split.

I would say, follow your instincts, which had you taking walks, and take it outside for a month, for as long as you can until the light goes and the weather sucks. It could just be that you have been going for walks outside because you are instinctively following your brain's needs: more light. Our brains need light, some more than most, mine a lot, so I know, and the light or lack of it controls our moods. It's an easy thread to follow.

I like the other poster's idea for a yoga retreat. Whatever you do, make it something totally unrelated to Cathe. If you try to keep on doing Cathe stuff and then don't manage it, you will set yourself up for a whole wave of negative thoughts that are just destructive. But if you say to yourself, well, I am going to spend a month doing everything different, something different each day, then you are giving yourself new avenues for creativity (could you learn a new dance routine? or more complex step workout with a different instructor?), for mental stimulation and relaxation (yoga, pilates, fencing at local sports club), and physical challenge (all of the above).

Try swimming, or power walking or just ambling along in the sunshine, taking time out to sit on the swings for a bit and remember what it was like to be a kid when physical movement meant playtime and happiness rather than obligation and duty-workouts.

We all hit these moments. Find out what works for you. Different types of movement, of different pace of movement. It doesn't always have to be FASTER, HIGHER, LONGER!!!! Slower can mean more time for breathing, pondering, planning, getting your mental creative juices flowing. Yes?



Thank you for a very wise post! I know I dread the fading sunlight, too. Sometimes the only thing that keeps me going as the light dwindles is the countdown towards the winter solstice, when I know the days are going to get longer (however imperceptibly) and the sun returns! Kind of hokey, I know!

I will take all this wonderful advice and think on it when I take doggie for a long walk this afternoon!

Thanks so much!

Susan L.G.

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