Dog Liability Insurance


Since the fire at our barn, the managment has been trying hard to find someone new to insure them.

Us dog owners are still being allowed to bring our dogs to the barn, but we have to sign waivers and stuff to release the barn from any liability from damamge that our dogs may cause.

For example, if I'm trail riding with my dog, and she jumps out of the treeline, and you fall off you horse and are crippled for the remainder of your life, you could sue me right out of existence, and not the farm.

So I am shopping for liability insurance for my dog. I have some for my horse in case something goes wrong at a show - he gets loose, etc. and hurts someone, so I'm thinking I need something similar for my dog.

Does anyone have any experience with this and/or can you recommend some companies? I've been looking around the 'Net and have found acouple of places but I trust the opinions of this educated crowd!


Susan L.G.
Have you spoken with your insurance agent? I don't know if such insurance exists...or if it falls under general liability. You might check into an "umbrella" policy (aka excess liability policy) which offers coverage over and above homeowner/renter (which covers general liability) and auto. Of course you should keep in mind that insurance regulations vary from state to state as well.
The damage caused by your dog should be covered under your homeowners or tenants policy if you have one. check with your insurance agent


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