Does Your State Still Do 8th Grade Graduation?



I'm wondering how many states are still holding on to this tradition. I know Illinois still does.
I live in Calif. It is up to the school district. My school district no longer do 8th grade graduations. Parents went all out one year.

I live in California as well, and my school district does do 8th grade graduation. I'll have to force my tomboy daughter into a nice dress for this. That's okay, she'll look sweet...
My ds had a very nice, informal 8th grade graduation ceremony last year. We live in Ohio, but I'm sure that it's not a state issue - just certain schools do it.

I am in NEPA. My son is "graduating" from 8th grade but there's no ceremony. My niece is as well, from a different school district, and they do have a ceremony. So obviously this choice is made at the district level.

I personally prefer no ceremony, since I think all of this "graduating" gets out of hand. High school and college are achievements and launch points into other parts of your life - 8th grade should assume you are continuing your education!! :) :) :)

My 3 year old dd is having a graduation ceremony next week - she's graduating from the 3 year old preschool class to.......the 4 year old class! :p

Oh yeah, remember the days of the preschool graduation's!

I went to school in northern Illinois. The school I attended did 8th grade graduation (now keep in mind this was 30+ years ago). We had to wear a nice dress and sit on the stage and walk across to get our 'diploma'.

Now, we were told this tradition dates back to the days when kids only went to school through the 8th grade and then their education was complete and they then went into farming with their family or the girls got married.

I have neices and nephews in the northern Illinois area who attend schools that still do the 8th grade graduation. Alot of people I know have never even heard of such a thing so I was curious as to which states are still doing this in schools.

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