
In light of recent events on the forum I hope this isn't too distatseful. I'm going to need some help and guidance because I'm one of those who think anything is fair game.

Okay, my three year old Shepherd/Chow mix has been passing a lot of gas lately. I have never heard my other dog, who is the same mix and 11 years old pass gas. We don't smell anything but we hear a lot.

I'm wondering if we should change her food or if she's just eating too many lizards. Right now she's on Hill's Science Diet Oral Care? Or maybe we should just ignore it because she doesn't seem to be in distress.

Any insight on this subject would be appreciated.
Maybe she has a lot of air in her system? Sometimes dog food makes them gassy. I know canned dog food makes them gassy. Maybe try to change the dog food and see if she's still gassy? I give my dog Eukanuba and he stopped being gassy. He was on Hill's as well. Some dogs are just more sensitive to food than others. There's a vet on here so hopefully she'll give you an answer. :)
I have a Boston Terrier. Need I say more?

His gas smell depends on what kind of food he is eating. We always know when he has been eating out of the garbage.

Mine noise but it STINKS! YUCK! lol His comes and goes in bouts so we aren't really sure what causes it but he doesn't appear to be in any distress so we aren't too worried. He is already on dog food for a sensitive digestive system due to a long bout of constant diarehhea several months back...I don't know what else we could do...although dh says they sell the equivalent of beano for dogs in petco. He said it's a liquid that you add to thier food that is supposed to help cut down on the gas. We will probably pick some up and give it a try...

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
Hi Candi,

I have a 6 year old pug, and sometimes we hear him pass gas. Usually it happens when he eats too quickly.

If the gas has been pretty constant, I'd call the vet. I'm usually over cautious. I don't know if gas could be a precursor to bloat, so I'd check it out just in case.

ALso, is eating lizards an expression or does your dog really eat lizards?

Good luck!

We live in Central Florida so I assure it's not just an expression. She plays with the little guys first (YUK). Well, sometimes she lets them go but they're usually pretty beaten up by then. She has a very high prey drive and chases anything that moves. Sometimes I think it's lab in her mix rather than shepherd.

Love her, though. DH and I find it very amusing to watch her backyard antics.

What is bloat? Like I said, she doesn't seem to be in distress. She is on PPP because she started leaking a few months ago and this medication seems to have solved that problem.

I think I will mention it to the vet.
If it had odor, I would try switching foods. I feed Canidae or Wellness only. My Dobe is an "air farter" for lack of a better term. When he gets up and stretches, front feet on the ground and back feet on the couch, you hear all kinds of noises...but no smell Thankfully!

You might also try adding digestive enzymes. You can use human ones.

I don't think gas is a precursor for bloat. But then again, they really don't know why dogs bloat. They have studies that show you should feed elevated and ones that say not to feed elevated. If you have a really fast eater, it is best to slow them down by putting food in a larger dish. I use a 9x13 pan for my Dobe who did bloat. Also not letting them exercise for an hour after eating.

Bloat is gastric torsion and can/often is deadly. Here is a link on bloat: If you have a breed prone to bloat, you should be aware of the warning signs. It could save your dog's life. The other dog that bloated the same night mine did, did not make it through surgery. The owner was just unaware of how serious it was and did not bring the dog after the symptoms were very extreme.

This sounds like what happened to a friend of mine's dog that was the same mix as Sophie. Her dog was larger, though. They had to do immediate surgery to fix the problem. Thanks for the info.
Hi Candi,

Lizards- that is too funny! Colleen explained bloat well. It is very serious and usually happens suddenly. Could the gas be a side effect of the meds?
Well, I just called the vet and they thought it would be a good idea to bring her in today, just in case. They said it would be better, at least to rule out Bloat.

She is barrel chested and narrow at the hips. They told me dogs built like this are more predispositioned to the condition.

Thank you, everyone. I'm glad I asked.
I have two boxers, and those dogs are known to be gassy. Sometimes I'm tempted to purchase a gas mask - it's awful! A friend of mine, who used to breed & show Great Danes, recommended Canidae dog food. She also told me to cut down on the wet food, or at least try the Canidae wet food. I haven't bought Canidae yet, but I plan to when I run out of the current food I'm using (Iams). Also to all dog owners who are using Iams - I recently found out that Iams tests their products on dogs in awful ways. Check out
My dog does not pass gas through the basement if you know what I mean LOL she burps A LOT!!!! and it is so gross but funny in a way LOL. I guess like some say better out the attic then the basement
>My dog does not pass gas through the basement if you know
>what I mean LOL she burps A LOT!!!! and it is so gross but
>funny in a way LOL. I guess like some say better out the attic
>then the basement

That's so funny! My dog literally burps after every meal!!! We have to laugh every time we hear it.

I much prefer his burps to his "basement gas" tho...his burps don't smell...

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
It's probably the lizards. Science Diet is a good dog food, so I doubt it's that. Lizards...that's funny.
Are you talking about husbands or dogs?:) Just joking! I had my hands full with both of them yesterday.I almost packed my bags and moved out.
In the last couple of years,I dog as been passing alot more gas.Almost ever second day and when he does it is never once a day.I never thought about changing his food.He isn't bothered by it so I am not concerned, alot of dogs do it.
>Well, I just called the vet and they thought it would be a
>good idea to bring her in today, just in case. They said it
>would be better, at least to rule out Bloat.

Are you taking her in ASAP? If they think it is bloat, you need to get her in ASAP. Time is of the essence.


The standing joke is when DH passes gas, he looks at the dog disapprovingly and says, "Sophie, that's not nice!". :7 :7 :7
My dog belches a lot. It's really funny. He just looks right at you and..."errrrrp!" Man! I love my dog. He's a riot.

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