does this irritate ANYbody else, but me?


ok, i've been doing rythmic step for over a year now and have not posted this but i just gotta know in the 2nd section when you are going across the board with 2 claps? and that lady starts singing? aaaaarrrrrggghhhh!!! i just want to scream. i can NOT stand it. i'm laughing as i type this 'cause it sounds so stupid but i prefer just to hear cathe and none of that "ahhhh, ahhhh" granted i realize that her singing isn't like that, but it's still irritating. i shudder when i know that i have to do that tape...but i still do. am i alone on this one?
I like Rhythmic Step and most of the music in it, but that song drives me and my family crazy. When my kids or husband hear that part they complain until it's over.
YES YES YES & I feel SO guilty about admitting it because I swear (well not literally, well then again maybe sometimes!:)) by Cathe's workouts!!! It's the only section that really bothers me, & I have learned to tolerate it because I like the workout otherwise!

It's nice to know I'm not the only one that feels that way about that song. I do LOVE Rythmic Step though and the rest of the music.

Wow, I swear I have never heard what you are all talking about, go figure? Now I will be looking for it the next time I do this tape.
This is too funny because I absolutely LOVE that song. I like it so much that before I could do the whole workout, I would do aerobic section two twice because of that song. It's my favorite song of the whole video, it gets me so pumped I can't help but go all out during that song.:)
me, neither

You are not alone. I just don't seem to hear all of these things because I am concentrating so hard on flying over the step and getting my claps right I guess.
Me neither, and I do RS all the time...I'm usually concentrating so hard on not tripping and falling during those moves that I guess I don't hear the music in that part... I LOVE the music on RS though.
I just got the tape in the mail and I guess I was too busy to catch up with all these new moves to realize the lady singing... I'll definitely look for it the next time.

But is it only me who wished that Cathe brok down each combo a little bit slower?

and finally, how do I post a brand new message?

If you want to post a "new" message, go to the top of the page just under the flashing advertisement for Cathe's "New DVD's" and click on the "post" icon. Let me know if you have any more questions. (P.S.You have to be into one of the forums to do this, not on the Home Page.)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I just did Rhythmic Step today, and I have to say I love that part! LOL how can Cathe ever please us all. Rhythmic step is one of my all time favorite step workouts. Diane
You know what, I have never noticed.I am probably to busy thinking about something else at that time.
But I guess I will be noticing the next time I do the tape.That is all I need....something else to annoy me.
What I am not fond of in RS is the over face-in over back shuffle move. I just hate it. I really do. When that section comes up I groan. I like everything else except that move!!!
I TOTALLY AGREE!! Specially when I'm doing it on a carpet in my dinky living room.... So I usually do it Over face over and then another regular over so I end up with the same position as everyone else and can move on!
nobuko...that is such a good idea. i don't like that part either and you're right, it's hard on carpet. :)
>Gosh, guess I'm definitely in the
>minority cause that's my favorite

It's my favorite part, also.
The balls of my feet tend to get sore from working on concrete. So I am not always crazy about triple steps or shuffles. Instead of doing the back shuffle in RS I do a move I sort of made up:

After going over and facing in, I put my foot on the step like I am going to back shuffle, but instead I just sort of push back and over to the side I need to be on, and take a step towards that side. Then instead of another shuffle, I do a turn step. It works smoothly for me. Jeanne

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