Does this happen to you with B & G?


When I do this workout my quads burn like crazy until they feel like they're going to burst into flames, but I barely feel it in my glutes, but then the next day I will have DOMS in my glutes (that's good), but not in my quads. I just can't figure out this phenomenon.

My quads burn on certain exercises as well. But about 1/2-way through the workout, I notice more in my glutes.

I was thinking that one reason this happens is that I usually do B&G the day after LIC, and that workout hits the quads more (which are preexhausted a bit).

I've been able to take some of the burn from my quads and transfer it to my glutes during the 1-legged squats by putting a longer recovery time before each set of the exercise and making sure to push through the heel of the front foot (holding two dumbells at my side rather than one in front of me also seems to help put the weight where it should be). If I don't add that break, then it seems like my quads start to take over on the move because the glutes haven't had enough recovery and I unconsciously change my form ever-so-slightly to compensate.
>I've been able to take some of the burn from my quads and
>transfer it to my glutes during the 1-legged squats by putting
>a longer recovery time before each set of the exercise and
>making sure to push through the heel of the front foot

I would highly recommend following Kathryn's suggestion. I was having the same issue (feeling the workout primarily in my quads), but once I started doing the above (and really making sure I was driving up off the front heel for most of the exercises rather than allowing the back to take over), I really started to feel it in my glutes. I did GS Legs yesterday and this new knowledge REALLY made a difference to me. I think I have been focused on the back leg all along - a big duh, I guess, but it makes a huge difference. So thank you, Kathyrn. :)

When I did GS Legs and started really going low on the squats, I noticed a huge difference in feeling it in the back of the leg. Melissa
Also, it is worth noting that many of us are naturally 'quad dominant', so it is much harder to get the glute to engage. The first time I did B&Gs, my quads did much of the work as well. But the 2nd time, I did what Katherine suggested and made a conscious effort to use the glutes and hamstrings and that seemed to help a lot.


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