Does this happen to anyone else???

I know I had this happen to me at Target the other day. I don't remember what workout I was buying, but the clerk said to me..."like you need that!" It drives me nuts!

I know what you mean, Broyles. My mother always has to say something like "I can't believe you're still drinking that poison" when I drink a diet coke. She does, of course, lead a stellar life style, but I STILL don't appreciate the unsolicited advice from her. Not everyone (anyone?) can be as perfect as my mother. :(
The girl who sits diagonally from me is trying to conceive. She's always making cracks about my eating habits. It's usually along the line that she doesn't need to watch what she eats because she's not overweight (I'm not overweight either BTW). She is going through the whole ordeal of daily fertility treatments right now. Her diet is atrocious - coke at breakfast with a cupcake, lunch is normally fast food and her afternoon snack is candy from the vending machine. The only fluids she gets are full sugar soft drinks and I've never seen a vegetable or fruit anywhere near her. Wouldn't you think that if she really wanted to conceive that she would try to eat better? I just bite my tongue.

Sorry about the vent, but it just eats at me how people constantly judge my eating habits when theirs is far from stellar.
What I usually get is, "Why are you working out? You're already small enough." Actually I got into this to gain strength, not lose weight. I just don't say anything anymore because I know people won't believe me anyway if I tell them I'm much heavier now than I used to be.

My friends also laughed at me when I told them I wanted to have a certain degree of muscularity, where I look muscular without having to flex. Either they thought I was kidding, or they didn't know how to react to what I said, that's why they laughed.

My mom tells me not to gain any more muscle or else I'll look like my brothers. One of my brothers joked that I'm putting him to shame. My son once told me he doesn't want me working out too much or else I'll look like the big, burly men on the posters at GNC. "You'll have boobs (he means pecs) like that, Mom!" (He's only 4; I wonder what he'll be saying when he's 14.:) )

I take it all lightly. Bottomline is: it's MY body, MY workouts, MY efforts, MY results.

I think that people just don't understand how great it feels to take care of yourself. Yes, fast food tastes good. Yes, candy bars and hostess cupcakes are delicious. Yes, it is nice to sit and do nothing all day.

But when you fuel your body with veggies and lean meats and fruits, you feel wonderful and strong. When you finish a tough workout for the first time that you have been working up to for months, you feel exhilerated! When you finally get that definition in your quads, your tricep or whatever without having to flex what can take your smile away?

Isn't it wonderful to be able to keep up with your kids, and in some cases here, grandkids? When you take care of yourself you get a sense of pride that people who don't w/o can't understand. If they really did, they would say, "Good for you! I am so happy that you are doing something that you enjoy!" or when you are in the checkout late with your vid the clerk would say "OH! That is how you look so good!" instead of critiquing your purchase (which IS none of her business anyways...) That and there were some great comments about insecurity above.

Pinky, you should arm wrestle your bro! That would be fun!
Yep, all the time. I've learned to ignore it. Most of it stems from jealousy or guilt that they don't have the same discipline.
I'm fortunate. My family is very supportive. My daughter sometimes rolls her eyes when she hears I still eat a huge veggie platter dinner but it's all in fun. She's always telling me how I don't look my age and that she hopes she keeps youthful also.

Sometimes people at work make comments but they're not vindictive type comments, just teasing a bit. I cannot tell you how many people have commented on my morning oatmeal with protein powder but usually I find they're just curious and want to know what it's all about.
Candi, you are very forunate! My family and friends are very supportive, but everyone else around here has the evil eye. They think that if you have had kids, you should be frumpy. That is what you get for living in the third most obese state of the most obese country in the world I guess.
I think that I will just move to your neck of the woods! I don't like the snow, anyways.
Hi Susan,

I guess I'm also one of the fortunate few. I get nothing but positive feedback from my family and friends about my dedication to fitness.

At work, there's a very supportive atmosphere for those who are trying to get fit and/or lose weight. We just built a new fitness center, Weight Watchers has meetings on campus that's open to employees and students, a walking program, healthy food options at campus events, etc.

One thing I really noticed was a group of women in one building who all started WW at about the same time. They are all doing GREAT. I've yet to see anyone ever give someone grief for their healthy lifestyle choices.
My favorite that EVERYONE outside of my family says to me is "you are to skinny, if you keep losing weight you are going to blow away" or you are so little you look sick". Ofcourse, these comments are always made by people who are overweight. I do not look sick and I definetly am not underweight. I am 5'7" and weigh 137 Lbs. that is within the guide lines for my height, but since I have muscle tone and definition, I look small. I wear a size 4/6 and since I am tall I do look small, but that is what I have worked my butt off to acheive! It really chaps me when someone says that to me or to my husband about me. ERRRRR!!!!
I always get "You have six kids?!?!?! You don't look like you'd have six kids!!!" Well, what am I supposed to look like? And I didn't have the kids and suddenly lose the weight. I had to work at it. I even tell them I need to lose 20 lbs and they will tell me that I don't. Whatever!

Ditto to the Diet Coke comments. I would love to just tell them to mind their own business.

I have a friend who said she likes to workout to videos that have "normal" people in them. Such as Richard Simmons type of workouts or Leslie Sansone. She doesn't like The Firm, or Cathe workouts because everyone is already in shape. Well, THAT motivates me. Mind you, this friend is very overweight.


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