Does this happen to anyone else???


Do any of you have friends/family members who CONSTANTLY tell you you're working out too much, or you're not twenty anymore and you shouldn't be working out like that. And my favorite... you're just asking for an injury at your age. I'm not twenty; I'm in my forties and probably in better shape than I was in my twenties. I love my workout's. Why do they do this?
It's not age related yet, b/c I'm still in my twenties. Instead, I'm wasting away to nothing and I exercise too much. My MIL and SIL never pass up a chance to tell my DH this. My MIL is a nurse and as a result is very free with unsolicited medical opinions, "You know, a lot of anorexic people..., I'm not saying she's anorexic, just that she works out too much." The problem is that her house is always so full of junk food that she never sees me eat, b/c boy do I put it away:9
ugh! i'm still in the stage where i'm having to tell my mother that i'm working out and yet she seems to refuse to believe it cause i haven't dropped any weight. but! my belt will now go one more notch tighter (16 to a 14) and i can see my bicep and tricep muscle! well...tricep if i squint. :) my mom is tiny, and she gets on my case about the weight i've gained, bugs me to not eat certain things, and then when my husband and i go over there she offers us junk food!!! not to be offensive to anyone but...sometimes genetics just suck, mainly cause i got my dad's and not my mom's. lol

Or who hasn't heard this one - usually said while scratching the side of protruding belly "I don't think women should lift heavy weights, it's bad for their backs."

(I swear I'm getting nastier by the day - I think this head cold is getting to me.)

Yes...every now and then my hubby says something. I don't get mad though. He is just concerned and really doesn't understand. My mom asked me once if I should be lifting that heavy and I just said, "It's o.k. mom." Again, she wasn't trying to be ugly she just doesn't understand. Then is was kind of cute b/c I was talking about working out to someone, I don't remember who, and my mom said, "Let me tell you, when she works it she means it. She works out hard."
I once had a 250 pound woman tell me running was bad for me while she was eating a plate full of pie. HUH?x( Can't figure this one out.
The only people who I have noticed doing this are those that feel insecure about themselves, IMHO. I haven't ever had a thin person say tell me that, only those that don't eat well or who have sedentary lifestyles and they are overweight.
I think that if everyone felt the rush of endorphines you can only get from exercise, everyone would be happy and noone would complain!:7
I think that kind of person is trying to reaffirm his/her own lifestyle choices. By telling you it's bad, they won't have to put down the twinkie and get up off the couch.
Funny that you write this...the other day, my boss, who is always telling me that I am obsessed or that I exercise too much, asked me "do you really think that you can keep this intense exercise regime up?" For the record, I exercise 5 or 6 times per week, one hour. I sort of cocked my head to the side, lifted my eyebrow and politely told him that while I appreciated his concern, I think that my routine is not intense. I explained that the average exerciser does so about 4 - 6 times per week and that one hour is rather normal. I had just been to the doctor and seh didn't see any issues with my routine. I also explained tht he should stop being so critical (he and are *tight* like that and are very close so I wasn't being a jerk to him but having a real conversation) b/c there are plenty of unsolicited opinions that I can give about his *nonexistant* exercise routine :eek: Ended with a wink and a smile and he got the point!

Yeah, I get it all of the time. I have stopped talkign about exercise with most people in my life. It's just less nagging and criticism that way. The only one that still gives me occassional crap is BF. I live with him so there's no stoppin' the occassional speech. ;)
My coworker constantly tells me that I'm not in my 20's any more and pretty soon I won't be able to do what I do. She then says "what are you gonna do then?" to which I reply....."I'll be doing this well into my 50's and 60's .....maybe not as intense, but as intense as I can". I'm 45 and in better shape than I was in my 20's. Sure my back hurts now and then from higher impact aerobics, but I know how to modify and listen to my body.

What gets me more than that though are the people that see me and when they find out how much I'm into exercise, they say, but you're so you really need to exercise. do they think I got "so skinny" (which is not true anyway.....I'm not skinny at all...I'm in my healthy weight range). I wouldn't be at this weight if I didn't work out like I do.......I'm sure of that!!
>I think that kind of person is trying to reaffirm his/her own
>lifestyle choices. By telling you it's bad, they won't have to
>put down the twinkie and get up off the couch.

I agree. Many times, when people criticise another's healthy habits, it's to "reaffirm their lifestyle choice." It's often usually done in the presence of others, so they can have a moment of solidarity.
>What gets me more than that though are the people that see me
>and when they find out how much I'm into exercise, they say,
>but you're so you really need to exercise.
> do they think I got "so skinny" (which is not
>true anyway.....I'm not skinny at all...I'm in my healthy
>weight range). I wouldn't be at this weight if I didn't work
>out like I do.......I'm sure of that!!

That's always a killer! And these people don't realize how utterly stupid that comment sounds! (like 'you don't need to avoid smoking, you're very healthy!")

My former department chair used to make similar comments about my not eating (insert high-calorie, nutrient-devoid junk food here). "It won't hurt you to eat some X, you're so skinny" (I also am not "skinny," but compared to someone with a gut that makes them look 8 months pregnant--and a man at that!--or the doughy-looking secretary, I guess I seem to be!)
I guess I'm in the minority here, but most of my friends, family and acquaintances often tell me how great I look, how much they admire my dedication to fitness and how they wish they had the tenacity to stick with something. I've also recruited a few fitness "converts" that have credited my example to their working out.

How many of you have had similar experiences?
Soosan - I will say that I have a few friends and family members in my life that are like this (usually those that are also healthy and fit). I also have converted a few of my freinds and am happy to help others that ask for help. On the other hand, I have many in my life that are just plain negative about it!
I have people who asking how much I workout and they are amazed at how I find the time. I am only 26 so people don't say the injury thing.They do tell me that I am going to have problems with my knees when I do get older.
The thing that bothers me is my mother who keeps saying "I thought you were on a diet, why are you eating that". I don't know how many times I have said, "MOM, where do you get the idea that I am on a diet? I never said that". She never answers me, and she will say the samething the next time I see her. I think she thinks, that b/c I workout I am on a diet.
I just laugh it off after, my mom is like a world wind...full of energy and doesn't hear 1/2 of whats said cause she is thinking about something else.She crazy!
Gosh, no. Why would anyone say that??? :eek:

In my world, the problem is that people imply that just working out to exercise videos is nothing compared to what they do. I'm surrounded in business and in my personal life by people who are always playing tennis or squash or who do a whole combination of sports. Most of them think of me as a wimp with my little Cathe videos. x( Quite the opposite of your situation. :( But I don't let it get to me. I'm quite content with what I do. My doctor, whose opinion I respect most, thinks I'm doing great and says I'm in excellent health and should keep up the good work! That's enough for me. :)
I just have to add here my mom is 71 or 72 (oops,I forgot )She plays Tennis 5-6 days a week ,some days 2 games !!! She plans on playing 4-5 days a week when shes 80 !!!!!We are only as old as how active we are LOL . No really I'm so proud of her shes Very healthy.:) :)
My husband just told me I am too skinny. This made me so mad. I don't think I am too skinny, plus, I told him I want to be muscular looking. Anyhow, I try to eat right and workout regularly. Also, I get people saying, do you still get up early and workout, as if I am crazy. I too like to exercise and lift weights (although not with the birds).
On a similar note, I work with a lot of people who are full of criticism over my 2 diet cokes per day. They tell me I am going to die of a brain tumor, get cancer, etc.

Ironically, they seem to think their smoking, nightly consumption of alcohol, sedentary lifestyle, and atrocious eating habits will have no affect on their longevity.

I don't push my lifestyle choices on anyone else and I don't appreciate the unsolicited advice from people who live less than stellar lifestyles!

Sorry, had to vent:)

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