Does anyone workout on the same side as Cathe?


Active Member
Hey everyone...I have been having a terrible time trying to get the steps down to Imax 2, this DVD has me totally confussed, but alot of your suggestions have helped...but I have to workout on the same leg as does not make since to my brain that when she cues left leg and she is pointing to her right, that does not compute for, I have picked up the first interval but I am doing it on the same leg as Cathe...

I have been doing Billy Blanks for 2 or 3 years now and he always cues on the leg or arm, or (side) that he is working and that makes since to me...they should shoot these video's from behind the instructor that would be great...anyways does anyone else workout on the same side as Cathe?...Thanks for all you suggestion on how to pick up the steps...taking one interval at a time and getting it down might be the answer for me...take care and have great workouts!...Connie
Most instructors cue like Cathe. Billy is the odd one out :) I had such a tough time following him cuz when he said left, he did his left. My original experience was with other instructors.

I think most people work out on the same said as Cathe. If you look closely, she has a rubberband on one of her wrists. I think this is to help her remember that her right is our left, etc. or vise versa.

I do the mirrored image. I tried to turn my Step sideways (since I have vaulted celings) and that totally balled me up.
Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off.
You've gotta work hard for what you want. - Cathe in HSC
I do the mirror image as well...

LOL... but would you really want to work out to a video where you only saw the back of everyone?? I wouldn't...:7
> but would you really want to work out to a video where
>you only saw the back of everyone?? I wouldn't...:7

Only if the men had nice butts :)

Keep breaking it down, one interval at a time. As Cathe says, "Free up your brain." You are going to have an "aha!" moment very soon. It is much harder to learn a routine facing an instructor. In a studio setting, you would be following her from behind. Hang in there, it's worth it.
I mirror what Cathe does (and as for Billy, he cues wrong, IMO. When he says "left" I know it's his left, so it's my right).

I can't imagine trying to do it the other way! Especially with a Cathe cardio workout.
I had this exact same trouble today. Now that frustrated me as when I went one way she was pointing or going the other. I thought I was on the same foot but she went right on the TV and I was left. And on top of it, I could not/can not get a simple turn because you end up on the other side. Then I start with the wrong leg if I don't turn myself. then I miss some moves ..thanks for posting that question.

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