Does anyone use their Cathe DVD's in a home theater system?


We are looking at getting a DVD since I'm just using her new Blast DVD's in my sons PlayStation 2 (these are the only DVD's I have so far) - and it freezes in the premix workouts and I would like to take a cardio workout from one DVD and mix it with a strength workout from another. We were looking at the Sony DVP-NC665 as that is the only one in stores around here but they have a five disc home theater system in Sony and Pioneer but it's sold as a system and so it doesn't list the type of DVD it is. It has a whole unit number instead of individual ones. Does anyone have a whole system they are using? I'm thinking I'm just going to buy the DVD player and my husband can worry about getting the rest of the system when we can afford it (I want to buy Cathe's CTX series on DVD next and to me that is more important then the home theater sound system. I can hear Cathe just fine! HA HA).
RE: Does anyone use their Cathe DVD's in a home theater...

Hi, I have a home theater system. I did not buy it as a full unit, however, but separately. Got the DVD player first and the surround sound later. I have a Pioneer DVD player which plays Cathe's DVDs fine. If you wondering about the sound, here's what I have to say about that. Cathe's DVD are not setup to play in surround sound, at least not on my system. I can actually hear some music out of the back speakers from her olders series, but only if I'm standing back there by the speakers. The new BB series I can't hear in the back speakers at all. However, all of her workouts sound amazing through the other speakers as I just switch from surround sound to stereo. Different systems are setup differently, however. For example, my son also has surround sound in his bedroom. You can hear my Cathe DVDs in all his speakers as he has different setting than my system has. My system is setup kind of like at a movie theater where you only hear background noise in the back speakers. His system does not work that way.

Well, I know all that probably didn't help you at all. :eek:
I had the same problem when using my kid's ps2. We do have surround sound and several dvd players. So I just took one the older dvd players to the basement, had my son set it all up (it still had work with the kids ps2, dreamcast, and nintendo) and it works great. The best part is the dvd player has a remote and it is sooooo much easier than fighting the ps2 when playing dvd's. Of course my kids had to teach me how to use it. You should be fine with any name brand dvd player. You do not need surround sound or the top of the line dvd players for Cathe's dvd's. Hope this helps and you find a dvd player soon.

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