Does anyone skip chest work?

RE: O/T a bit

Today our receptionist quit. She has to be at least a D cup. My co-worker goes, "Man I am gonna miss her and her rack. All the women around here quit." Gee I wonder why. I said, "Well, I'm still here." And he goes, "Yeah, but your boobs aren't half as big as hers" and walked away. Just another straw on this camel's back. But his opinion of my body doesn't really matter. I did mention implants to my husband last night and he got real quiet. Hmmm....
Thanks everyone!

Jillybean, that's unreal...what is it with men? They're only breasts, for goodness sake!

You have all really given me so many great points (no pun intended!) to consider. Men really do think differently than women, don't they? I never used to believe the "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus" way of thinking, but now I do. I just don't think they realize how alot of women grow up constantly being judged (or at least feeling judged) based on their physical appearance. I exercise now mostly because I love the way it makes me feel (those endorphins!) and because of the health benefits, but having a nicer physique is certainly a part of it as well. To me, all these pieces add up to self-confidence, and I suppose that's why my husband's sudden enthusiasm on my getting implants really threw me.

I keep re-reading all the posts directed to me (and I have to laugh everytime I read "Your husband is a jerk"!--LOL--if he could only see this post, he'd die!). It means so much to hear viewpoints from other women, especially fitness-oriented women, because I think we are all so body-conscious. I just love this forum--a wonderful place to come to when you feel no one else would understand...thanks!

I'll be making a decision soon, maybe I'll post back and let you know!

RE: Thanks everyone!

This is incredible! I am single (but have a significant other) after being married twice, and think I will probably remain single, because I am my own person, wear what I want, exercise the way I want, etc.

Personally, I would not give up the chest work, although I don't do S&H for chest and back because I already am very broad, and this has NOTHING to do with any boob size I may or may not have. You work with what you've got, plain and simple. That's the beauty of weight work because you can create an optical illusion....broad shoulders balance a broad BE-hind, etc.

I'm sure all of these DH's that complain have physical attributes themselves that leave a lot to be desired, am I right?! CHEEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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