Does anyone know???


Hi everyone!
Thanks for the positive posts on the new CTX upper body compilation tape. After continually rewinding and forwarding the individual CTX tapes for the tank top rotation, I think that it would be terrific to have everything on one tape! Okay, my question- does anyone know if Cathe has any plans to compile the CTX cardio? I realize it may be a marathon cardio tape, and transitions could be an issue during editing, but any info on this? Is anyone else interested in this? For us "DVD player free", it seems like a nice option to avoid the rewinding/forwarding thing.
Lastly, if I may so ask, does anyone know the best place to purchase a medicine ball and stability ball at the best price? I also hope like someone else posted that Cathe will post HER brand of workout balls used for the new intensity series!!
Thank you very much in advance to the very educated crowd!
Happy Autumn!

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