does anyone have this?


Does anyone have a NON- CLEAN food/drink that they cannot live without? I'm not talking about coffee or a diet soda; I mean JUNK. :9

I was just wondering because everyone seems to eat so healthy all the time around here. For me, I really like Dr. Pepper but try not to have it too much. Hmmm, I was just wondering how many people will cringe at the thought of drinking a Dr. Pepper or other sugar filled soda.

I love pizza!!! I try to stick to the healthier ones like Kashi's but every once in awhile I HAVE to have a California Pizza Kitchen Tai Chicken Pizza!!
Cheez-its (I know, I know...)
Movie popcorn
Iced coffee
Peanut butter and butter on toast
Fruity Pebbles
Breyer's Ice cream
Sky Bars

I could go on but I won't. I don't eat these things every day - or even every week or month - but when I want them I'll have them. Life is too short to live like a monk 24/7. I'm not a performance athlete or a fitness model, so I'm going to enjoy life. And I think at some point intense self-denial becomes just as unhealthy as constant over-indulgence.

Viva Cheez-its! :p


"The winds of grace are always blowing but it's you who must raise your sail." - Sri Ramakrishna
Ah, Sparrow, Sparrow . . . Cheez-Its RULE!

And Old Dutch baked cheese doodles . . .

And Peanut Butter M&Ms . . .

And Whoppers malted milk balls . . .

And Orville Redenbacher Smart-Pop microwave popcorn . . .

And Hellmann's Light mayonnaise . . .

And ruffled potato chips . . .

And . . .

I'm not gonna stop ya Annette, I'm adding on:

Mountain Dew
Tostitos w/conqueso dip
Chinese food
French fries
Crab Legs w/lots of butter
Raspberry/Banana swirl soft-serve ice cream

I'm done for now!!!!
I drink a pepsi every morning. If I don't I get severe headaches that last all day(its called caffiene withdrawal!!!) Not a clean eater, I really wish I could.You are definitely not alone!!!
I've never smoked....

My regenerating liver is grateful for my decision to quit drinking..

I work out 6 days a week with Cathe Friedrich tapes...

For the most part, I eat healthy...


bacon double cheeseburgers
diet coke...I also use this as my caffeine jolt
cheese fries

I am sure there are many other faves that I am leaving out, and I only eat these foods sparingly, but would never think of abandoning them!!
Hey there,
I rarely post here but read all the time and I have to say I am so glad to see this post. I know we all have our cravings but to see it put out here for all to see is great.

I can't give up coffee......tried and I just can't do it. And it has to have sugar in it and splenda.

And I am addicted to fiber one oats and chocolate bars. They are the devil. And chocolate covered raisins.

I will have to try harder to post more often and get to know everyone. Have a great evening!:)
I get an iced mocha about once a week.. sometimes I splurge and get whip. I'm thinking about trying to make them at home. If anyone has a recommendation for chocolate syrup or chocolate flavor and a coffee to use to make good espresso I'd try it! I'll get an espresso maker. Wouldn't take too long to pay off instead of stopping at SB.

BLT's. Just made one for lunch the last few days. mmmmmmmmmmmm. gotta have helmans(best foods) mayo on it also.
ooh ooh!

I know you weren't looking for coffee, but there's a little local coffee shop that makes the WORLD'S BEST Iced Mocha Blanca's!!
-- and Im not talking the conventional crap with the four inches of Hershey's syrup stuck to the bottom either- yuk ;)

.. and Wendy's fries hee :) I get a sucker for them more often than not these days, especially after skating for two hours.. it's either that or a Subways chocolate chip cookie!

.. and actually, back before I lost weight and got into fitness freaking I used to go through a pack of Strawberry Shortcake Rolls a day (yup, used to buy them 4 or 5 packs at a time).. haven't had once since :D
My vices are many, my virtues few...}(

1. Jellybellies-heaven all wrapped up in a tasty little package-the buttered popcorn are faves.

2. Wine. Prefer mine white and really cold.I gave it up when I was on a very strict diet plan, but now enjoy a glass or three..whenever I feel like it dang it!

3. Canned frosting or white nasty cake frosting that comes on the cakes in the bakery department. Manna from the gods.

4. Real butter on hot out of the oven bread--doesn't matter what type, but sourdough always satisfies.

5. Peanut butter straight out of the jar--never buy it for that very reason.

6. Mexican food, the cheesier the better...never eat this though. Cannot remember the last time I sank my fangs into a cheesey enchilada...
oh yeah cheese enchiladas! with some fresh guacamole. We have a great authentic resteraunt a mile away that occasionally I'll splurge on. mmmm
french fries, even better if they are covered in cheese and bacon and served with a side of ranch
movie theater or baseball stadium nachos and nacho cheese dip
ice cream sundae with vanilla ice cream, hot fudge, and melted peanut butter

I try really hard to eat clean most of the time, but truly life is to short!

I love the following . . .

Coldstone Ice Cream (Mint, mint, chocolate chocolate chip is my favorite)
Pizza, peanut butter, real butter on any kind of bread, Wendy's Frostys, any Blizzard Dairy Queen makes (yes, I do have ice cream issues) and hot, fresh McDonalds french fries.
I'll add in my two cents. (great topic, by the way, especially considering in light of the holiday weekend I've probably consumed about 100 cookies, 6 hamburgers, 19 hotdogs, 8 pieces of pizza and about 600 pieces of homemade caramels) .............. anyway, here's my favorite "junk" foodS. Yeah, baby, you saw that, PLURAL. Foods!! hahahahahaha.

Heath candy bars (could there be anything better?)

Lemon bars (must be homemade)

Ham and Scalloped potatoes (my mother-in-law's recipe, guaranteed to have about 6 sticks of butter in it and gallon of whipping cream)

Twizzlers (duh)

Caramel Bugels (recently discovered these at the vending machine at work, yes, food can talk to me and these babies talk to me often!)

Starbucks raspberry Italian Soda (while probably not the worst thing I could get at starbucks, these definitely aren't healthy either, but ohhhhh what a guilty pleasure!)

Tortilla chips with a touch of lime (I'm reminded of the little sign my aunt has by her front porch whenever I eat these chips. It says, "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" and shows a picture of a margarita. These chips and drinks are like a hand and a glove, peas and carrots, ... well, you get the idea)

Anything ice-cream related. (And I do mean anything. Blizzards. Ice cream cones dipped in chopped peanuts. Frozen Pies. DQ ice cream cakes. Man 'o man. Ice cream was the reason I gained 50 pounds during my first pregnancy ... haha)

And I could go on and on. But I'll stop now.
Oh yea, and when those GIANT Hershey's Symphony bars go on sale at Kroger 10/$10... you know the rest. Absolutely deadly when stored in the freezer. And I've been craving pancakes with big wads of butter and lots of real maple syrup off-and-on for weeks. Can't seem to get around to buying the stuff to throw them together, though.

Years ago when the leader was giving out gift certificates during a Weight Watchers meeting and asked the room "Guess what this is?" I said "A gift certificate to the all-you-can-eat buffet, I hope?" Not one laugh. Ya'll are right, life's too short to be so freakin' serious all the time. Thank God for the folks on the Open Discussion board at, To know you're not alone. YAH!

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