Hey Guys,
Change of plans, I’m going on my lunch
Lori, Rhonda, I have been pondering with the ideal too, so I decided today, I'm going to do the dog gone thang
You know, everyone I have seen with a nose pierces look sooo cute, it gives a little sex appear to the face, well at least me think so
However, there’s this young lady i guess between the age of 28/33 that lives in my apartment building. Now, get this, she has TWO (medium size) silver studs in each nostril and this gross me out each time I see her. She has two stud right between her eyes, look like a bull that's about to charge or something, and she's so cute too. It located in the upper part of the nose, right between the eyes, I don’t think it is attractive AT ALL. But, I don’ have to wear it. I let you know if it hurts or not.