Does anyone have there…..


Nose Pierced? Just curious :D I’m getting mines done today, after work. I want a tiny tiny tiny diamond. I already have my belly pierced for 8 years now. I know, I’m sick with it :p :p :9

I know Shelley (allwildgirl) has her nose pierced, but she's on vacation and isn't around here to tell you all about it. :) I think she told me it was quite painful. :eek: Hope it goes well for you!
Gosh, Teddygirl.. I was actually thinking about doing that, just haven't made up my mind for sure yet............

Yup. I have my right nostril pierced. Hurt like hell. I almost passed out when she stuck the needle through, then my eyes started watering like crazy. Took a very long time to heal.

And just so you know, I have a high pain tolerance.:) My belly button didn't hurt at all.

Good luck! Let us know how it goes.
Hey Guys,

Change of plans, I’m going on my lunch :eek: :eek:

Lori, Rhonda, I have been pondering with the ideal too, so I decided today, I'm going to do the dog gone thang :p You know, everyone I have seen with a nose pierces look sooo cute, it gives a little sex appear to the face, well at least me think so :p

However, there’s this young lady i guess between the age of 28/33 that lives in my apartment building. Now, get this, she has TWO (medium size) silver studs in each nostril and this gross me out each time I see her. She has two stud right between her eyes, look like a bull that's about to charge or something, and she's so cute too. It located in the upper part of the nose, right between the eyes, I don’t think it is attractive AT ALL. But, I don’ have to wear it. I let you know if it hurts or not.

I have my nose pierced and have a tiny little diamond stud it it.. I've had it about 3 years now and love it. It didn't hurt at all.
Let us know how it goes.
Nope. Not only does it sound painful, but rather nasty during cold season! It does look nice, though, on some people.
I had my nose pierced when I was 14. Only had it in for a few months then took it out. It hurt when it first started to go through your skin but after a while it stopped. I have high pain tolerance so it didn't bother me much. I'd like to get my belly button pierced but DH is not crazy about it. Besides, I'm not sure if I'd want to get anything else pierced nowdays as there's a lot of diseases out there and who knows how well they clean their instruments. Besides, I'm sure my little tots will probably try to pull the earring out of my belly button if I did get it done. That will be a big ouch!
My sister had her's pierce with the same type of tiny stone. She took it out though, because she said it felt like there was alway something stuck on her nose (???). I would like to do my belly, but I haven't gotten up the nerve yet. Good luck. Alicia
Hey Guys,

Just wanted to tell ya that everything went okay. It is the cutesiest little thing :p I got the smallest diamond stud that I could get.

The pain wasn't too bad, it was just a quick sting from the needle and then a left watery eye x( Well guys, I am off, I have a date with MIS upper body. Have a great evening.

Teddygirl is in charge~
I had my nose pierced for several years. Ay caramba! it hurt!! The needle was bad enough, but putting the stud in was the worst. When the bend in the wire went through I almost passed out from the pain. I liked having it, but Corporate America was not very tolerant when I joined the rat race so I had to take it out.
I have had my ears, bellybutton, tongue, and nipples all pierced. I never had my nose done because I figured I could hide all the other piercings, but not the nose. I took them all out (sometimes I regret that) but I have to say that the nipples definitly hurt the worst, all the others were a breeze. As a matter of fact I had my belly button done three times because my body kept rejecting the jewelry and it would migrate out. I finally gave up on it. Good luck with the nose and I hope you like it.:D

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