Does anyone have curly hair?????

I use Phyto products on my hair. They are expensive, but worth it. They soften my hair a lot!! I had my hair straightened and I hated it! No body - it was just limp. I love the soft waves that these products help create.

Just remember, the grass is rarely greener on the other side!!

I don't have curly hair so can't directly address your questions. I would like to point you to an invaluable resource.

You may want to take a look at Paula Begoun's latest book, Don't Go Shopping for Hair Care Products Without Me, 3rd edition. She has a terrific section on how to care for and style the various types of hair. She also goes through thousands of hair care products and rates them and let's you know what type of hair the product is best suited for. So if you have thick, course, dry hair, you could maybe find a shampoo and conditioner that is suited toward that hair type. She even has a 'best of' section and breaks down the products not only by type of hair, but by price point as well.

Even though I have different hair than you (straight, fine, thin, dry), I have found her recommendations to be right on and haven't been disappointed with a product she has recommmended.

I for one have every hair accessory known to man. So, especially in the summer, I have fun trying all kinds of different up-dos.

Like I said earlier, I got a short cut once--and it was only chin length, not even short-short--and it looked awful. It was so curly & when it got humid it was even worse.

As far as the cheap haircut goes, you're probably right, they're pretty much the same. But last time I tried the Hair Cuttery I walked out w/one side 4 inches shorter than the other, so from then on it was upscale for me all the way. Besides, I do enjoy that salon experience. It's nice to be pampered once in a while, even if you are paying them to do it. ;-)
I have long, curly, blonde hair and I love it. I get it cut in long layers with short bangs on the top. I have straightened my hair before and find it doesn't work. It will get frizzy. Here is what I do:

1) I wash and use conditioner each time.
2) While still wet, I put about a half inch of V05 in my hand and mix it with Suave hand lotion, in my hands. I work this all through the ends of my hair. Then I finish with more lotion just on the ends. I use a lot of lotion because I color my hair too and it is really dry.
3) I let it air dry for a while then put gel on the front only.
4) Take a blow dryer and dry and straighten the front only (on hot setting) so the bangs and front will lay right.
5) Spray the ends with a polisher so I can pick it out without breaking it.
6) Get a pick and pick out the ends, then finish drying with blow dryer on the lower setting.
7) Style it using heavy duty hair spray.

Not to brag, but my hair looks great! I get compliments on it all the time. People always tell me how beautiful it is and fabulous hair can make up for a lot of physical flaws.

So there you go. Please don't straighten your hair anymore. People would kill for our curls. My hair is long, blonde, curly, and not frizzy.

Sabine, what did she rank Bumble and Bumble Alojoba?? I LOVE that stuff. It works GREAT on my hair. I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend it. It's expensive but works GREAT!

Maximus, I'm surprised you're dead against layers. When I used to live in Va, there was this woman I think she was a med student, she had very curly hair but it was layered. It was the most gorgeous hair I've ever seen. It was so long, full and bouncy. That was the only time I was so envy of someone with curly hair. My hair is straight but it's naturally wavy and after the stupid perm, I can't stand to wear my hair wavy/curly anymore. My idiot father said I looked like Tiny Tim with the permed hair. I have VERY dark hair, too. Thank God I do not have Tiny Tim's body. I'd feel even more grumpy. :) It annoyed me enough to feel I want to punch his dentures out. x( (He's 58 so he's not an elderly) :p
I so appreciate this thread. I'm a curly head that looses it's bounce. Fine hair too. Finding a good style is such a challenge.

I took the suggestion about the Kerastase and got the shampoo and conditioner on Ebay for 15 bucks. I'm very pleased.

I've tried using KMS and Redken curly hair formulas but the frizz is still a killer.

Anyone had success with frizz-ease?

You got Kerastase for $15? Girl you'd better play the lottery tonight. Usually I can't get the conditioner on ebay for less than $50 & the shampoo for about $30.

I hate KMS, IMO it doesn't work for curls at all. I tried the Curl Up & it made my hair dry & very frizzy. Redken's OK. Bed Head stinks. Go to & check out the Alterna & Phyto stuff. It's kinda pricey but their products are great & most are for curly heads.

As far as layers go, they just didn't look right in my hair. Since curly hair gets curlier when it's shorter, I strongly resembled Roseanne Rosannadanna when I had layers.
Wow...I didn't think I would get this many responses! And anyone who as curly hair, you sound just like me.
I would never straigthen my hair checmically.Just when I am going out and would like to try something different.
My hair gets curlier the shorter it goes, and I definitly know not to do layers.I have been there before and my hair just looks to thick.I don't have bangs either.Everything is all the one length and very long.
Don't get me wrong, I do like my hair. But at the sametime I get in the mood for a change.
I was using Matrix sleek look for awhile.That stuff was awesome.And Biologe gel (also matrix).I recently tried Redkens Smooth Down (not normally a redken lover) but it as macadamein nut oil and it is very nice.I only comb my hair when I have conditioner in it,then when I get out of the shower I put gel in it and let it dry on its own for about 20 min,then I just dry it for a few minutes.I also get lots of compliments on my hair.I know how to control my curly hair, but I wasn't so sure how to control my curly hair straight!:)
The dry ends don't look dry when its curly, but look out when its straight!
Thanks again,
Lori :)
There's a new conditioner called Ojon that is supposed to be miraculous, however, I haven't splurged! It is expensive and available at QVC. You can find a review at toward the middle of the page.

Like everyone said, trim those ends, and I think that will make a huge difference. If you want to wear your hair straight, check the weather the night before to see if it'll be humid- seriously lol. If the humidity isn't that bad, go for it. Condition a lot, and use a heat protectant spray. If you do it at night and sleep on it, it almost always looks better the next day.
Hi Lori,

I have battled my curly hair all my life. Wasted lots of money on anti-frizz and straightening creams. I even paid for expensive Japanese straightening treatments a few years ago. My hair looked great for a while, but the cost of maintaining it was pulling me under. Then of course, the time it took for me to blow dry it straight (close to an hour), and all my efforts were wasted once I walk out the door in the humid, tropical weather (I live near the equator).

Then, last year I took the plunge and had my hair cut ultra short in a pixie style like how Halle Berry used to wear her hair. I don't think I'll have it any other way now. With my pixie cut, styling takes no time at all! I don't have to comb it, and it still looks good (with the help of Sebastian's Xtah Crude Clay ... man, I swear by this stuff!). Heck, I don't have to blow dry my hair either. I just wash it, put on some leave-in treatment, let it air dry ... and it still looks good too. Of course, it helps that I have a super stylist who knows how I want my hair to look. The downside is that I have to visit my stylist for regular trimming every 6 weeks. But then, I don't really care because my pixie cut has saved me lots of time and hassle.
Wow, your hair does look aweome and you have such a pretty face to pull it off! I love looking a pitcures, I have to learn how to do that.
In one pitcure (with DH riding the shopping cart) you said that his legs are smaller then yours.....I here ya on that.My DH as very small legs as well,he even took a pair of my jeans off of the bed one day(thinking they were his) put them on,DID THEM UP!!!!!!!!! and realized they weren't his when he looked down and saw that he had flood pants on!:)
My stylist, who is worth his weight in gold, uses a mixture of KMS tacky gel (now called "hair play") and KMS silker shaping creme. He blends them in his hands and applies some to the top of my head, then does it again and applies more throughout. I also use the products religiously at home.

The products work great, but they would not do much if I didn't have a great cut and style. It's ALL about the cut and style. And I only have to go back every 7-9 weeks, so I'm actually not spending that much more than I did on my previous, less expensive stylist who couldn't hold a candle to this one. But these guys would be a bargain at any price. I'm reluctant to give out the name of the salon, because they are busy enough and I don't want them to get any busier or raise their prices! }( Finding a great sylist is almost as important as finding a great therapist in New York city! :D
NO worries....I would have have to take a plane to get there, then need a hotel room,plus my eyes...your stylist would be way to expensive for me!:) By the time I get there, I wouldn't be able to afford a hiar cut!
Your house is beautiful, but you don't say what country you live in. Where are you? I didn't see any pics of you, but your son is adorable!
I have the same problems. I found though when I wear my hair style medium length at just beneath my shoulders it works the best. I also have cut long layers into it to make it a bit more tame. I have found and absolutely love Frizz Ease Dream curls spray on formula. It makes my hair soft and not sticky at all. TAke care- Susan
Thanks Maximus. I got ripped on ebay. The deal was for 1 oz bottles of each shampoo and conditioner! Drat. :(

I'll check out the Alterna.

I just wanted to point out a very good resource for curly heads. The only thing you will have to become familiar with is the system they refer to hair types. It comes from the book "Andre talks hair" (Oprah's stylist) and the explanation can be found here
For me it was a great resource on products and different techniques. I don't visit much anymore as I have "loc'd" my hair.

Here is a link to a site with great natural products that are wonderful for curly hair.. She also had a video on how to get your hair looking the best it can:

She also posts on the site mentioned above. There is a lot of good info there for help with curly hair..
Hi Lori,

I have very curly hair and like you I did the long & gel air dry routine for years. Recently I decided to get 6 inches cut off (don't go by my pic that's on my site now I'll get a new one up as soon as I hit the 140s with my new do). It's a blunt cut that when dry just grazes the top of my shoulders with long layers. It's actually easier to maintain because it's less to wash, less to detangle, etc. and I still gel and air dry. It's a fresh new look and I love it and it's not 'super short' looking although it is very different. I guess it's the curly equivalent of a shoulder length bob with soft layers. When I was heavy it would have looked awful but now I can pull it off and I bet it would look great on you then you'd have 2 new fabulous looks...straight or curly.

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