I am so frustrated. I was trying to save a little nest egg for my move next month. I got into a car accident with two other cars last week, there goes $500 for deductible for my part in it. I take my car in for inspection and they tell me now over $1000 for it. (This is for things I need in order to get the sticker) I try to schedule a dentist appointment for some scaling procedure I need (early start of gum disease) and they tell me it will cost over $500 out of my pocket for these 2 visits to get it done...that's with insurance paying some of it. I scheduled for months from now but may have to cancel if I can't afford it. I'm trying to pay down debts and I just got hit with all this. I've been trying to be vigilant in not using credit cards etc. or accumulating debts and I feel I can't catch a break lately. I'm trying to remain positive but I feel I need a windfall of money and I've lost my cushion for moving.