Does anyone ever feel they never can get ahead?


I am so frustrated. I was trying to save a little nest egg for my move next month. I got into a car accident with two other cars last week, there goes $500 for deductible for my part in it. I take my car in for inspection and they tell me now over $1000 for it. (This is for things I need in order to get the sticker) I try to schedule a dentist appointment for some scaling procedure I need (early start of gum disease) and they tell me it will cost over $500 out of my pocket for these 2 visits to get it done...that's with insurance paying some of it. I scheduled for months from now but may have to cancel if I can't afford it. I'm trying to pay down debts and I just got hit with all this. I've been trying to be vigilant in not using credit cards etc. or accumulating debts and I feel I can't catch a break lately. I'm trying to remain positive but I feel I need a windfall of money and I've lost my cushion for moving.

Just wanted to post and tell you that I can completely relate to what you mean by feeling that you can never get ahead. I live in a very expensive city (san diego) and it really seems like income levels are NOT proportionate to the cost of living. Perhaps this is the case for you.

I know it is hard, but really try not to use your credit cards if you can help it. Just take a look at your spending habits and I guarantee there are ways to "cut the fat". A little bit here and there really adds up and time flies, so pretty soon you can build your savings back up!
I live in a large city too and yes income levels are not sufficient to the cost of living...or at least my income level isn't haha. Its just so frustrating though.
YIKES!!! so sorry you were in an accident. i agree with rose and see where you can "cut the fat". dh and i have to go through this while i am laid off from work(i work for school nutrition program) but while i don't get paid those bills don't stop coming in. miss a car payment and there could be trouble. plus we have a special needs child and the food bill alone is hard enough to keep up with(we try to eat very clean for her sake). it never seems enough for the average working person to keep up.

i also don't understand these insurance companies. its hard enough to make the premuiums yet you have to shell out even more up front just to get the help you need(just referring to medical insurance).


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
Ohhh, I so understand! My husband and myself are in the same boat, I always feel that we take one step forward and one step back. Through work last month I was able to bring in $400. extra, and I was glad because my annual life ins bill of $180. is due this month; yay a $220. gain! But my husband also got a mouth guard for his grinding teeth last month that we thought insurance was going to pay for, no such luck - the guard guessed it, $400.
So after bringing in $400. extra we are down $180.
Looking on the bright side, we could be down $580.
Oh, but it was so nice to have "extra" money for a minute - Which of course wouldn't have been "extra" very long as we were just going to use it to pay down a credit card.
Yikes, it is hard to get ahead - But here's to keeping our heads above water!!
It is so discouraging - but a positive mental attitude is sometimes all we have - thank God nobody can charge us for one :)
Keep your head up Diva, better days are coming; they're just around the corner :7

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