Does anyone ever feel GUILT for not working out?

becky v

I didn't feel 100% when I got up this morning and decided that I would workout after work instead. Now I can't because I have a family obligation and I have tremendous guilt over it! I workout 6 days a week so this shouldn't be a big deal, but I can't seem to get over it!!:(
Don't let it get you down. You've been doing great by working out 6 days a week!!! I'm sure you'll get right back to it tomorrow!:)
This something I have always struggled with.. the guilt factor. I still struggle with it, mostly if I am doubting my portion control and In the past I would let it get me down. Now I have come to have a much happier outlook by holding firm to the philosophy that everyday is a new day. If I miss a workout,or mess up on portion sizes I recognize my mistake and acknowledge it. then I think that its OK I will not make the same mistake tomorrow... Everything you do that is positive far out weighs the negative! Be proud of your accomplishments and don't dwell on the little things. This takes practice but I am getting better with this idea over time, and I feel so much better. Hope this helps:)
oh... i absolutely would feel guilty if i didn't work out! i didn't one morning cuz i had hurt my back.. yep.. felt guilty! haven't missed a day since!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
Oh yes!! I really have a tendency to "beat myself up" over things like this (happens with eating poorly also). I don't think this is particularly healthy but I don't like to miss my workouts EVER. For this reason, I started getting up in the wee hours of the morning and working out so Doctor appts and stops after work wouldn't interfere with my training. I actually don't take enough rest time and I really am old enough to know better.
YES!!! Doesn't it seem the more dedicated we are to working out and to clean eating, the worse we are on ourselves?? I guess guilt comes with the territory for us. You'll feel better tomorrow after you work out, I'm sure. We all do it. Try not to beat yourself up, but know we all do too!!
Oh, you have NO idea. I constantly struggle with that particular issue. And of anyone, we are the ones who can most likely afford to miss a day here and there.
A little bit sometimes. I didn't workout today, but it's my "off" week anyway and I don't feel very well. Really rundown. So I'm body doesn't want to workout even though my head does. I'll just do a crossword puzzle to make my head feel worked out.
Yes..Yes..Yes!!!!My son who just started working out and feeling guilty too! Someone in his class stepped on his hand and hurt his index finger so he can't lift weights yet.
We are turning into the fitness family! DD workouts too with weights. Dad has to wait until he finds out about his shoulder before he can work with weights.

I use to feel sooooo guilty if I took one day off.It got to the point that if I didn't workout as soon as I got up in the morning,it was on my mind all day until I worked out.It was rediculous.
Now I can take one day off and not worry about it.If i take two off I start to feel bad unless I am on vacation.I think that is what as helped.Both trips to Cuba I never worked out for the whole week and I didn't gain any weight.Thats when I probably got peace of mind that it was o.k not to workout everyday.
YUP! I like working out an hour in the am, break, then another hour and break and another hour. I dont like going on vacations because I cant workout, as I have become accustomed. Walking and hiking are fun, but it just challenging enough for me to not feel guilty. I love my routine I guess.
Yes. Absolutely. I always feel guilty when I miss a work out. Intellectually, I know (1) missed workout won't have a huge impact on my overall progress. I think I suffer more psychologically ~ my mood is less optimistic...I feel like I've let myself down. I'm constantly reassuring myself that it's "OK" thru "self-talk". I think women dedicated to healthful lifestyles have tendencies toward perfectionism....that's why we're so hard on ourselves. Good thing we have one another to help keep things in perspective!

((HUGS all around!))

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
Wow, Lori - how did you not gain weight on vacation?!? I must know your secret....I'm STILL trying to lose the weight I gained last summer on our Mexico vacation!! x(

Thank you all. This really helped!! I got up this morning & did Step, Pump, & Jump so I feel like a renewed woman. :) :D :)
Becky - Yes I can so relate! I missed a workout on Thursday as I thought I was going to get up at 5:00 am but didn't. Then I thought I was going to go after work and had to work to late and pick up the kids and didn't :( I agree the best thing to do after mising a workout is either just ignore it and move on or else do a total body workout which is what you did! I find that sometimes if I don't workout in the morning it is just too risky that life will get in the way and I won't do it!!!

Don't be hard on yourself! Be proud of all the other days you did!
Why do you feel guilty if you are already worked out six times this week?

I may be in the minority, but I can remember days like that, and I don't think that is very healthy. Atleast it was not for me when I had that attitude.

If you feel guilty and you have missed several workouts, OK. But one day out of 7 when you really need a rest day anyway? Something else going on there in my honest opinion.....

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