Does anyone attempt Cathe's step workouts without the step ?

Anna - I've been known to do Cathe's step videos without the step. I have to keep my step in the basement (I work out in the living room), and some days I'm just too lazy to bring it up! Other days, I know that I will never make it through unless I am on solid ground. :)

My living room has an area rug, and I roll it out of the way to work out. I have a rectangle taped off, the size of a step, just to give me a reference point, if I work out without the step.

I frequently do her workouts without a step. If I'm just learning it, or having a bad day where I don't have a lot of energy, I definitely will do her workouts without a step. They are easier from an energy standpoint that way, but I still feel like I got a nice long workout.

I guess it's from my days of using Susan Powter - I did her videos for a while without using a step at all. :)
hi everyone
yes i just recently got me a step and i have managed her moves finally, im did step for at least 15 yrs, and never had any trouble learning any of the new instructors at the y.m.c.a., but i really get a good workout, i think she is awesome.
Almost always, Anna. I have major knee issues, and if I cut out the step to once per week, it seems to help immensely. I struggle with this, because it is not quite as intense, but by making arm movements much bigger, and by using about 3X the floor space, I think I get a nearly comparable workout. I really make my movements pretty darn huge! When I switch back to using the step once or twice a week, I feel like I'm hardly using any space! (and I'm able to do the workout on the step feeling pretty much the same as I do when I'm on the floor--not overly out of breath or anything.)

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