I have to admit I just discovered Cathe in Jan!! I've seen her on FitTV but always thought these workouts are hard. I started doing Cathe in Jan and love them!!! I have muscle definition in my arms and legs now. I have also been taking protein shakes and was wondering if anyone takes these as well? I know I'm not losing weight much but I'm getting toned. But I do want the scale to go down too!!! My shakes do not have sugar and have 150 calories and I do watch all my food intake and my calories are still low in fact the shakes have helped me keep my calories up.
Thanks guys. I didn't know where to post this is my first post.
Hi Mary, congrats on your new addiction to Cathe! I started her workouts late last year and definitely saw great results. You are in good company.
Yes, many people use protein powders to supplement their diet and increase their protein intake. I personally have a fruit/protein smoothie after my workout almost everyday. It helps me get my daily protein up to 40%, which is my target intake. You can also mix your protein powder in oatmeal and in cottage cheese, etc. The possibilites are endless.
You can do a thread search above for protein powders and you'll get more info.
Oh yeah, you'll find some protein shake drinkers here. I'm experimenting with different kinds. Until recently, I was using a soy protein shake. I just switched to a whey protein shake...gonna see how my body reacts to that.
While you're waiting for more responses, you might get a lot of hits doing a forum search on "protein shake". I just did that a few days ago when trying to decide what whey protein to use. Some forum mentions I remember off the top of my head:
Jay Robb
Optimum Nutrition
Gayle just found a great site offering many of these products at a discount: