<--- Do you want fries with that?

<--- likes the leid comment.:)
<--- married DH in Hawaii and instead of saying "you may now kiss the bride" in Hawaii they give the groom a lei and say "you may now lei the bride":eek:
<--- we have the ceremony on video and everyone who has seen it dies when this part comes up!:7
<--- thinks it is a good thing that everyone in this thread speaks openly and freely without any fear of misunderstandings and being "moderated".
<--- would not change a thing about the crazy shiznit biatches in here!
<--- is impressed with Super Debbie's workout and is glad because <---'s legs are still fried too.
<--- needs a straw attachment long enough to reach the coffee machine.:eek:
<--- waves wildly to Pinky and is glad that her toe is feeling better!
<--- has not mastered the hula yet but is working on it.
<--- no longer feels bad
<--- had yummy turkey on wheat pita and big fat apple, but sadly was also lacking chocolate
<--- hugs to Robin and everyone else :7
<--- tells Jes GO FOR IT
<--- had long hair and got it cut short 3 years ago...didn't regret it one bit
<--- thinks the Debster is some kind of super hero
<--- thinks if Debster had any more coffee she would probably workout again, and again, and again...thinking of energizer bunny
<--- is VERY good at shopping, especially for self :p
<--- getting ready to dive into BFFM e-book...SO bored at work
<--- speaking of chocolate <--- wonders to self where Emily is
<--- LOL at Rouge's "lei the bride" comment
<--- having flashbacks to own wedding...when the priest said "do you" to my DH...he replied "you bet I do" (from Raising Arizona) quite funny :7
<--- thanks Shelley for the song and fixing the broken record in <--- head
<--- thinks Hawaii sounds like the perfect place to get married }(
<--- would like fries and a chocolate malt please
<--- tries hard not to remember either of her weddings;)
<--- tells Amy that Emily is on a course today through Thursday
<--- misses Emily
<----is bored.
<----could be doing housework but doesn't wanna!:p
<----is drinking coffee.
<----just put DS down for nap.
<----needs to wash dishes and pack DS's bag for trip to MIL but is having butt glue issues with computer chair.:eek:
<----wonders if anyone has the stuff that gets rid of butt glue??? If so <----asks someone to toss <-----a tube!
<--- just finished with butt glue remover
<--- throws tube of butt glue remover to Wendy
<--- tells Wendy to duck, as <--- overhand throw is not very accurate and does't want to hit Wendy in the head :+
<--- is bored also and has done nothing today but surf the web
<--- has to go to bank now for the office
<--- is glad to get out of the office
<---was wondering what whacked <---- in the back of the head!?!
<---OUCH, that hurt!:p
<---carefully applies butt glue remover and S L O W L Y removes her bum from seat.
<---takes large NERF foam bat out of pocket and walks over to Amy's desk with it...
<---CLONK! Right on top of her head!
<---Falls on the floor laughing her a$$ off right before she takes off running!}( :7 }( :7 :7
<---TAG! You're it!:+
<--- doesn't have time to read all the replies, but says HI to all anyway
<--- will read the replies later
<--- would love a new HRM for Christmas
<--- saw Oprah yesterday and a woman claimed that S-E-X burns 200 cals per 30 mins
<--- was shocked to hear that
<--- has a lot of work to do this week
<--- had a good day today :)
<--- will do Muscle Max with some cardio in a couple of hours
<--- has to go; will be back later
<--- tells youse guys that every single thing she's ever read says that an hour of vigorous, ahem, activity, only burns about 100 calories
<--- hates to disappoint you
<--- advises that it is, however, a great workout for butts, guts and quads;)
<---waves to everyone in this 85-degree heat in what is supposed to be November
<---just sprayed a giant bee that came into the house and freaked out her boy
<---feels bad for the dead thing but ain't no way in hell a damn bug's upsetting her baby
<---tells Amy it's okay to say what's on your mind
<---agrees with the IQ test comment... can apply that to a lot of people she knows:eek: ;-)
<---tells Wendy that yes, Sandy IS da bomb!
<---is sending Tootsie LOTS of healing vibes for Tootsie's whole family
<---thinks knees would fall off if she did Debbie's workout
<---200 calories in 30 minutes? that's almost as intense as kickboxing!:)
<---thinks she should be careful about what she types when son is around since he's starting to learn how to read
<---is thinking of doing CTX-UB minus the triceps portion
<---later gators

ETA: <---wonders if Shelley wore her HR monitor to figure out number of calories burned while working out butt and thighs;-)
<---thinks she herself just might do that as an experiment:+

<--- wanted to see that Oprah... darn it
<--- thinks <--- will wear a HR monitor to validate those findings :)
<--- has to be cautious of DH heart... drat!!... no scientific reaserch goin' on here
<---waves to Pinky.
<---wonders why Miss Shelley had to go and spoil a good thing by tellin' us that it only burns 100 cals!? :p
<---really needs to be constructive!
<---is running out of time!x(
<--- picks self off floor
<--- everyone in office wondering why <--- is on floor laughing a$$ off
<--- can't tell cuz they would think I am crazier than they already do :+
<--- tells Pinky not to worry bout the dead buzzer
<--- also tells Pinky it's 87 here and <--- loves it
<--- is...so...bored...at...work...can't...stand...it
<--- glad <--- can come here and have some fun
<--- is also disappointed that the deed only burns 100 calories
<--- maybe we should test that theory
<--- it's DH's b-day, so I'm sure he won't mind testing that theory
<--- don't know if <--- hrm measures calories burned...will have to check
<--- after a while crocodile
:7 :7 :7 :7

ETA: <--- just got a call from the NERF commissioner and he is reviewing Wendy's play...may be illegal use of concealed NERF bat
<--waves hello to Catheland
<--hasn't posted on <-- thread in a while but has been lurking :eek:
<--didn't get a good night sleep because ds woke up and has been awake since 1am (!!) and kept waking <-- up, too
<--saw Oprah and thought the girl who said she lost a ton of waiting "working out" with her husband was full of it
<--is laughing at the idea of Pinky's experiement - wearing her HR monitor while working out "butt and thighs"
<--thinks it's ridiculous that <-- has to run AC at night because of the november heat!!
<--- is not sure but thinks there could be something to this "workout"
<--- edited to remove
<--- hangs her head and is going to the corner for time out (for the edited comments)
<---tells Autumn that editing doesn't fool anyone, and
<---has lots of fun TTC
<---has more fun TNP }( ;-) }(
<---has pictures but won't share! :p
<---joins Autumn in naughty corner
<---may even deserve a spanking :p

<--- just read all the replies
<--- can't stop laughing
<---'s SO said yesterday "Finally a FUN way to workout!"
<---'s SO was doing the math on how many hrs a week to do to burn 3,500 calories (1 lb)
<--- thought she could FINALLY get his skinny a** to workout often even if it's that
<---'s SO is going to be disappointed to hear it's just 100 calories
<--- ha ha ha ha
<--- thinks that if anybody's going to wear a HRM to test that lady's claim is going to be Shelley (she loves that HRM!)
<--- points and laughs at those at the naughty corner
<--- also has to study


<--- usually finds something she has to edit
<---thinks instead of everyone doing BC on the same day, we should all strap on our heart rate moniters and get leid!!! :p
<---thinks we could make ANOTHER check-in and post results}(
<---thinks this thread is great
<---spanks Missy
<---is craving chocolate and caramel REALLY BAD!
<---is looking for the perfect haircut
<---did IMAX3 step today with legs and chest/tris
<---needs a nap!


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