I was going to stay out of this, but I just need to state something here.
Out of curiosity - are any of you letter carriers?? Ever been a letter carrier??
My BF is a letter carrier, and while it's true he isn't 'saving lives' out there, he is doing his job. For him and all letter carriers to be judged, indicating they're not deserving of a holiday tip (all totally voluntary from the people on the routes, mind you) is unfair. He is 'dedicated' and 'works hard to make' the people on his route 'comfortable' just like a lot of other people who take pride in their work do. For a lot of people on his route, HE is the only person they see everyday. They look forward to him delivering the mail so they can see at least ONE person a day. If one of these people wants to show appreciation and offer candy, cookies, money, whatever, what's wrong with that??! And they don't 'ASK' or 'EXPECT' a tip as it seems some of you are implying.
All this comparison of letter carriers and medical workers is ridiculous. Who are any of you to tell anyone who they should tip and who they shouldn't? If I want to tip someone for good service, I'm going to tip them. What's wrong with that?
And I'm not even going into the hours worked, conditions worked in, and all the others things I never realized about letter carriers until I met my BF.
I know my situation is different because I'm on the other side, but to sit here and read all of this negativity towards letter carriers because people WANT to tip them during the holiday is really bothersome.
Attack me all you want and do what you will, but someone needed to support the other side of this conversation.