Do you think I will see results using just FIT TV?


I am so broke right now, I am trying not to lose my house..(my taxes are way past due) I cant really buy any dvd's right now ( I want all of them, lol).I have a bunch of the Cathe workouts on TIVO. PUB,PLB,L&G,S&H,Lomax,Coremax,Bootcamp,KPC,ME,Cardio & weights. THe only DVD I have is basic step, that came with my step at walmart. I know the DVD"S are packed with lots of variations. In your opinion, Do you think I can see some serious results just using these? I do 2 back to back a day 3-4 times a week. I will be buying some DVD's eventually, but for now, I would like to start seeing some tone, definiton and some more weight loss.

What do ya'll think? Thanks for all your help so far....I know I can be a posting pest some days....but I am kinda new to all this and all of you know so much about it.

I think any motion is better than anything.. you can fastforward through the commercials right?. If you don't think it's enough you can always supplement with a run or something, I am no expert but again, I think some motion is always better than none!
ps. good luck with the taxes, and the house!:) :)
Absolutely!!! Just keep moving and try to set up a daily rotation for yourself using what you have. Try for at least 30 minutes of continuous cardio daily and weight train two to three times per week. You can run or walk outside to add some variety, too. Make sure your diet is clean and healthy. That's so important!!

Good luck with your tax situation. I think the exercising will help you physically and well as with the mental stress I'm sure you have to be experiencing!!

We're here for you!!! Good Luck!!:) :)
Thanks for responding......I look forward to my exercise time, probably because of the stress of $$$ and having 3 boys. I need to get some time outside the house to do some walking, and move up to running. It is going to be really a change for me when I can get the DVD's....I have heard a lot is cut out of the Fit Tv version. At least I know which ones I really want to order because of previewing on tv....but I really want all of them! I love Cathe! Thanks again!

Aren't the shows on Fit TV the same as on her DVD's with commercials added?? I just got Fit TV and have a ton of shows Tivo'd for the days I can't get to the gym. I just Tivo'd the Coremax shows and can't wait to do them.

Mom to Jack and Parker and Bodypump Instructor
There is a lot of stuff taken out for not all the moves are done on fit tv, so it is not the complete workout.
Hi, I used to do Cathe's workouts on Fit TV before I bought the Hardcore Series. I definitely did see results and I did lose weight doing them, but I was always frustrated that I was not doing the full workouts. Her advanced workouts usually last 60 - 70 minutes, so on Fit TV you're only getting about 47 of each one! I saw Low Max (from the new Hardcore Series) last week and I couldn't believe how much is lost of it!! I think doing them on Fit TV is better than nothing and you will build strength and endurance, but when you can I think you should try to buy some of the DVD's. Many of the DVD's have 2 or 3 workouts on them so it's well worth it.
Good luck!
I do a lot of the workouts from fitv. I think they are great...even with the cuts in them. At times, I will add stuff like if the workout cut out bicep work I will do my own thing for biceps. Or, there are times when I want to do work a specific area so I will find one on tivo from fitv.

I do think the dvds are better, however, fitv Cathe workouts still give you a good workout. You will still sweat, burn calories, and become sore the following day!

Sara B

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