Do you stalk the UPS man??


}( I become obsessed when I order new workouts..gotta check the "track your order" and then sulk when it says how long the delivery date is gonna be..and then the day I know my "sweet" package is coming I like look out the window constantly for the ups guy...gotta take a quick shower cuz if the ups guy comes and I dont answer the door, he'll have to come back..ugggghhh!! I will be stalking the ups gut this a bunch coming..hurry up...cant come fast a kid a x-mas, know what I mean??}( }(
I have to tell you, I love your posts. Some of them are so interesting & ALL of them make me laugh.
Yes, I too stalk the guy IF I'm home. If I'm at work, he leaves the package whether he's supposed to or not. I think he does it to avoid my long notes on the door about LEAVE MY PACKAGE NEXT DOOR OR ACROSS THE STREET OR IN THE GARBAGE CAN, I DON'T CARE! I'LL FIND IT!
I know he thinks I'm crazy.}(
Everything I order comes to the post office. Thank goodness I live next door to the post office. The ladies who work there always ask me what workout is in the box. I got KPC/LG yesterday and I went over to check twice, the first time I went, the mail hadn't all bee sorted yet.
Do I ever lol! And the mailman, FedEx guy, Airborne Express...

I love to order things online! Even though I know what I'm getting, it's like getting a present! I love when you can track your order!
My last order I was expecting for Cathe came around 6 or a little after. When I got home from school I thought it would be waiting for my on my desk(my husband didn't leave for school until early afternoon). I was so disappointed. My husband was teasing me saying I guess the UPS tracking was wrong I guess it won't be coming today. I went upstairs to the upstairs bathroom. I was washing my hands and I yelled down, "Is that the UPS truck?!" My husband was astonished and he looked out the window and he said, "Yes! You are crazy! I can't believe you heard that from up there?!" And the thing was I heard the truck before he actually hit our street...tee hee!
my ups guy and myself are on a first name basis.......hi scott!!!...and yes, i hear the truck way before it is at my doorstep!!
There is a distinct sound to a UPS truck, isn't there? I can always tell when our guy is on his way into our allotment! Of course, I hide behind the door til he gets back into his truck and then, the door flies open and I grab! I then, wave and SMILE at him! LOVE that guy! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
You wait until he gets back into his truck?! I have the door open even before he gets there! There is nothing like the sound of the UPS man coming! hehehe:D

I wouldn't want to act too excited! Of course, this is after I have tracked the pkg. a dozen times that day! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
You can add special instructions when you order on the website. I always put "Do not require signature" so they leave the package in the lobby of my building. Those signature requirements are so annoying!! You can probably put "Leave in garage" or something if you live in a house. My mom's UPS guy leaves small packages between the screen door and the wood door if she asks him to. How can anyone be available at the precise moment the truck drives up? And there's nothing more disappointing then that note that says they'll try again on a different day. :-(
I always used to hear the distinctive squeek of my UPS man's truck, so I could pounce when he delivered, but he seems to be in stealth mode lately, as there have been times when I don't hear him until he starts the truck up again (another distinctive sound) and is on his way (after leaving my package).

I actually met my UPS man for the first time a couple of months ago. I was out gardening, and he came by with a package "Are you Kathryn? I've been by here a lot, but I've never seen you home."
I love starlights post..leave it in the garbage, (just dont leave me one of those "sorry to have missed you" notes). IT is like a present to myself..I hardly buy myself stuff so when I got something coming I WANT IT NOW..too bad they have not figured out a way to "fax" our stuff. Immediate Gratification}(
This is a great post!!! I, too, am guilty of what is probably not legal in most states---ups stalking! I work at a golf course, which is where I always have my packages delivered b/c someone is always there to sign for them. The ups guy always knows it's for me if the return label says anything about fitness or exercise or Cathe! When I ordered my high step a few months ago, it came when we were having a big tournament and I was so proud of it that I sat it up in the pro shop and just stood on top of it for hours!:p People would walk in and look up at me and be like--"Wow. That makes you really tall." And I would say "Yes. Yes it does." with a big grin and everyone thought I was nuts b/c they didn't know what it was.}( I love to mess with people!:7

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