I'm thinking about running a half marathon... my husband thinks that it's too hard on the body to run that much, so I told him I'd ask my workout buddy and see what she thinks about it (that's you Cathe);-)
I'll second Jennifer's vote for yes!!! I've done one full marathon and a few half marathons...as long as you train correctly and wear good shoes-your body will respond correctly and be just fine! The races are fun-you never know who (or what) you'll be running next to! I've run next to a man in a hula skirt running a half barefoot with a coconut bra on...during the full one I did-I had a lovely conversation with a man in his seventies who has done a marathon in every state and he didn't start running until he was in his late 50s!
Give it a shot! Runnersworld.com has lots of ideas and just google for training programs!
have fun